Chapter 19

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Dan's POV
We had filmed a video of us coming out to put on YouTube, but I never uploaded it. I told Phil it was because I wasn't sure he wanted me to post it.
"Baby, you can post it whenever you think is right." He slipped his hands around my waist and hugged me.
"I love you, sunshine." I whipped around and picked him up. "Before we leave for the concert?"
"Yay!" He giggled and kissed me softly, then with more force until he jumped on top of me and added a hickey to my collection.
"God damn..." I groaned. "Fuck... Fuck fuck you're amazing.."
"What's my name?" He teased.
"Amazin-gphil- oh god damn."
Phil's POV
He moaned loudly as he grabbed my neck and face. "Fuck.... God I love you. We're continuing after the show."
I sucked on his neck and brushed my hands through his hair. "Of course, sexy." I helped him up and he spanked my boxer covered butt as I went to pick up my shirt.
"We're not finished." I rested my hand on his jaw and gave him another hickey.
He put on his shirt and pulled his jeans back up. "Ready?"
"Go go go!"
We left the hotel room and took a taxi to the theater where our first event was located.
"You're on in 5." A lady with a headset walked past us.
Dan grabbed my hand and whispered, "I never posted that video... But something tells me, they're going to ask if we're together."
"We can announce it if you want." I kissed him.
"We'll announce at the last event. I don't want the fans only focused on us and instead on what we have to say." He hugged me and held me in his arms.
"I'm nervous."
"I can tell. Don't worry, Danny. It'll be fun." I put my hand on his cheek. "You'll be fine. I love you, Daniel."
"I love you, too my sunshiny Phillip." He kissed me.
"And now, the reason why you all came here...... Please welcome Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil!"
We walked out on stage.
"Hello Internet... Oh wait." He laughed. "This is real. Phil, is this real?"
"Why yes, it is Dan. Hey guys!" The crowd cheered. "How's everyone doing today?"
"That's great, guys. Phil and I actually just got to America about... Five minutes ago."
"Dan, it's a different time zone. We got to the hotel at 4p.m. It's 7."
"Oops." He blushed and laughed. "My phone hasn't switched to your time zones."
"Anyways!" I giggled.
The show went on until we played a game of 'Who Is More Likely' on stage.
"Alright, so how this is going to work is Phil and I will read a 'would you rather', as you, our audience, tweet to us, live!"
"Commence your tweeting in 3......2.....1!" I counted down. My phone instantly blew up with retweets from the audience.
"Alright. When we read your tweet, please stand up so we can tell you directly." I cleared my throat. "Who is more likely to ha- oh geesh." I laughed.
I showed the tweet to Dan. "Well this has gone off on a bad start." He laughed and read it. "Who is more likely to have cheeky bum sex?"
"Are we even allowed to say that here? Are there any babies in the audience?"
"Phil, the people want to know."
We flipped or papers to who we thought. We voted for each other. "Of course... Cause we just had cheeky bum sex." I felt a slight boner develop. "Shit..."
"Okay.. That happened. NEXT!" He laughed, nervously.
"Who is more likely to fall in love with their best friend?" I felt my face turn red. "This is getting more and more personal."
We voted for each other again.
Dan read the next tweet: "Who is more likely to have an intimate dream about someone they know personally?"
"Where are you guys going with this?" I laughed. We both voted for Dan.
"Want to explain?" I teased.
"That can be in a video." He laughed.
We continued the show and then moved on to a meet and greet/Q&A.

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