Chapter 24

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Little steamy 😏 Aye??
No seriously... A hot tub. Enjoy..
Phil's POV
"How did you manage to do this?" I asked Dan as we sat in the hot tub, his arm around me.
"I just asked to speak to the manager... The man we just took a picture with... And he said we could come in here after hours. His daughter is a huge fan of us, so he had me take a selfie on her phone."
I kissed him and climbed onto his lap.
"You're a genius, baby. I love you." I kissed his neck and he moaned.
"You're my one and only. I have to treat you like a king." He pulled me close.
"It's getting steamy in here... And it's not just the hot tub." I flashed a cheeky smile.
"God damn.. I love you so much, Phil. I know I say that a lot..." I interrupted him with another kiss.
"But with every time I say it, I hope it makes your heart flutter like mine does when you say you love me."
"It does..." I whispered.
We stayed in the hot tub area until 2 a.m. and then we left to the hotel room. Dan carried me into bed and ripped off our trunks and we tangled together.
Dan's POV
The rest of the summer and the tour was a blur of fans and hugs during the day.... And Phil at night.
We walked upstairs to our apartment and I unlocked the door. "Home sweet home..."
"The tour was fun... It was great to have sex in various places." He winked at me.
"Let's combine our rooms." I ran in, excited. We threw our bags in the lounge and kicked off our shoes.
"Since everyone who would ever come over knows we're together.... There's no need to have two bedrooms." I kissed Phil.
We carried Phil's bed out into my room. We slid our beds close to each other's, but then Phil looked at me, shook his head, and pushed his bed closer.
"Giant bed.. More room." He winked at me then jumped into it. "See?"
"Genius.. Let's finish up this project." I walked back into Phil's old bedroom and grabbed his clothes. Phil took them from me and hung them up in what was now, 'our closet'
We moved everything out and the room that once was Phil's bedroom, was now empty except for our computers.
"Perfect." I wrapped my arm around Phil who was standing next to me.
"Yes you are." He kissed me gently, teasing me with his lips.
"You know what I meant." I cheekily grasped his neck and embraced his warmth.
"What do you want to do today, Danny?" He whispered.
"Besides each other?" I picked him up and threw him down on the bed. "What do you have mind?"
"You already said the majority of it..." He pulled my head down to his neck. "Do you know what today is?"
I stopped and looked at him. "Already?"
"Happy anniversary, Daniel."
I kissed him violently. "It felt like it was only yesterday I first said I love you."
"I hadn't slept well that night cause I was pacing my room." We started to reminisce.
"I was laying right here. I woke up and heard you were already awake..." I kissed him. "I stood outside of your door, quietly listening to you talk to yourself."
"I was looking in my mirror at the reflection, crying. I said aloud,"
"I'm gay." I finished his sentence. "I went into the kitchen and prepared brownies for you. I thought since you were upset, I could cheer you up."
"I heard you drop a pan and I left my room to see what was going on. You gave me a brownie and we got on Tumblr for a bit."
"We went into town after looking at Phan gifs and me resting my head on your shoulder. When we got back, you got drunk and told me,"
"I'm gay." He giggled. "We had sex.. Even though I don't remember all of it."
"You woke up and freaked out because you saw me next to you. You had a panic attack in your room and woke me up. I tried to calm you down, but you had already taken off, crying and saying you're sorry."
"You found me at the park, curled up in the fetal position. You calmed me down and we talked. You took me back home and I fell asleep on you in the lounge."
"You woke up and I asked if you were feeling better. I kissed you. I said 'I love you Philly.' and your smile came back."
I kissed Phil on the neck. "I love you."
"I love you, too Daniel." We talked until the night came and Phil fell asleep.

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