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As I looked up into the dimming afternoon sky, I inhaled my surroundings - the puffy white clouds travelling swiftly, the small insects that would occasionally hover over my gaze, the soft grass resting beneath my head, the cool autumn breeze against my bare skin. I sat up gently, my son playing with a stick at my feet came into my view. He had been playing with it for ten minutes straight. I smiled at him and then pulled Jake into my lap. I smiled down at my 11 month old baby boy. He had inherited my caramel gold hair and his Dad’s bright green eyes. The thought of his Dad shot a pang of sadness through me. He had betrayed me, both of us.  It was when I went to tell him I was pregnant. I remember the night all too well…

I pulled the car into a parking lot and got out to see the apartment building which Tim lived in. As I rode in the elevator, my stomach panged with nervousness. What if he didn’t care? What if he got angry? What if it was a mistake? When the lift reached the third floor it beeped, bringing my attention to reality.

I walked through the corridor and walked straight in to his room, 13B. I looked around for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I quietly walked to his room and opened the door a crack. He was in there, but what was he doing? He moved across and I saw him, the only thing that was wrong was, someone was with him. They were kissing vigorously against his wall. My stomach dropped and my face went furious, even though my eyes filled with unshed tears.  I pushed open the door and his eyes looked up to see me. He then pulled away from the girl and pushed her down onto the bed away from him. He came over to me and tried to explain.

“Nora! I’m so sorry I-” he said but before he could say anymore all my anger came out of my heart and into my arm. I slapped him and then said screamed at him saying these words;

“You jerk! You liar! You betrayer!” I screamed them into his face as tears started streaming down mine. The girl had gotten up, taken her things from his room floor and pushed herself through the doorway at which Tim and I stood. She did not want to be here. She opened the door to the corridor and then said;

“You said you were single you jerk! We’re done!” She then walked through the door and slammed it behind her. I was standing there shocked as tears kept streaming and put my hand over my mouth in disbelief. I was facing my back to Tim. I felt like I had been shot. He walked over to me, taking advantage of her being gone. He put a hand on my shoulder, but I instantly turned around.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed as I walked backwards away from him. His hand fell, just like his expression.

“Come on babe!” He tried to convince me as he forced me into a hug. I put my hands to his bare chest and pushed back, making him fall onto the couch that was next to me.

“Get off me! I’m not you’re babe!” I walked over to the door, black tears sliding down my cheeks from my mascara. He looked at me like he was about to plead.

I turned the door knob. Looking into his green eyes, I meant these words so heavily; “I came here to tell you that I was happy. That I was ecstatic. That I was pregnant, but now you don’t even deserve to know!” I then slammed the door in his shocked and pleading face and ran down the hall, trying to wipe my tears away. I heard him open the door to his room as I just entered the lift and he shouted back to me.

“WELL THEN GOOD THING I DON’T CARE BECAUSE I WOULDN’T HAVE WHEN YOU TOLD ME! GOOD THING I NEVER WILL!” That was the last I saw of him as the lift doors closed around me and I was taken into my own world. Who knew that in less than 5 minutes, you’re whole life can change.

Now I looked down into Jake’s eyes and came back to reality. He clapped and then put his arms out to me. I picked him up as I stood and placed him on my hip. I walked into the house to see Mum making dinner. Yeah, I know what you think; I’m nearly 23 with a child and I still live with my parents, but that’s not true. I actually had a place with Tim, I lived there too. But soon after we broke up, after 5 years of dating, he was the one who moved out. I had to stay there on my own and I struggled to pay the rent to the apartment workers. Soon I couldn’t handle it on my own and so I moved out and moved back in with my parents. They were very supportive and helped me raise Jake up. They were excited at the thought of me moving back in with them, well Mum was practically jumping when I asked them if I could.

Two Vines EntwinedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant