Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

“I can totally see you and Christian together though.” Ashley said into the phone. We had been chatting over the phone for around an hour. Christian had left me to sleep even though I said I would come with him and Ronnie to the meeting today. He must have realized I was just so exhausted. Anyway, he left an old fashioned sticky note to my forehead- I laughed when I woke up.

“I don’t know, maybe we should hold up a bit.” I replied as I turned on the kettle for Jake’s milk bottle. “I mean, I did spend last night over.” There was a small silence as Ash breathed through the phone.

“But, nothing happened right?!” She said, the worry in her voice clearly present.

“God no!” I replied.

“Oh thank the Lord!” She said.

“Would you really think I would do that?”

“Well no, but just the way you said it. It seemed like you could be popping out another one anytime soon.” She chuckled, making me laugh too. She always knew how to brighten conversations. I gave Jake his bottle, keeping the phone on my shoulder and placed Jake on my lap as I sat on the couch.

“Anyway, I better be going soon. Erne has taken the day off and so I think we are spending the day together.” She said with a shy smile.

“Aw cute.” I replied, a wide smile across my face.

“What about you?”  She asked. I thought forward to my planned out day.

“Just…nothing really.” I replied. “I may head down to the shops but-” I said, but then Jake looked up into my eyes. Once he realized I was looking at him he giggled, but it fell from his face as I stared at him with trauma. I could see him, his dad, in those innocent green eyes.

My mind flashed back to all those times I was staring into Tim’s bright green eyes. Sitting next to him in English class and kicking each other with our feet under the desk while pretending to do ‘work’. At our high school graduation when he shared our speech in front of everyone. At the club when he told me a lot more about himself than I expected when I had just turned 18. The time Tim and I, along with a few others went camping in the middle of nowhere…where I had my first kiss…The time we decided to move in together and how Tim had always been such a neat freak in the apartment and would tidy up after me. Then I remembered the time his eyes were pleading for me to not leave him, for me to just forget he was with another woman…

“Nora!?” Ash’s voice blistered through my ears. I suddenly came back to reality, swallowing before replying.

“Yeah, sorry.” I replied.

“Oh finally! I thought you zoned out or something!” She chuckled. I forced myself a laugh, my mind imagining images of the hospital, the bed, where Tim must be lying.

“Look, I’ve got to go. See you later Ash.” I said.

“Wait where are you-” But I cut her off – but accident of course.

I dressed in simple jeans and a white t-shirt with a pastel blue jacket. I slipped on some flats and whipped my hair up into a dreadfully messy bun before changing Jake’s nappy one more time before we left – A mum’s got to do what a mum’s got to do.

10 minutes later, after a small breakfast bar and a glass of milk, I was buckling Jake into his baby seat in my car. I threw my handbag in the passenger seat and clipped in my seat belt and began the car engine.

As I drove down streets and traffic, my body in auto drive, my mind was rushing with thoughts and feelings. I was so nervous. What if he didn’t want me here? What if he thought I was still attached? What if I DO get attached again? Why am I overthinking everything?!

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