Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“So how long have you been around here?” I asked Christian before taking a sip of coffee, his blue eyes flicked to my hazel ones.

“I just moved in around here about a month ago.” He replied. “I’m part of this youth program who do different things like volunteering and helping the community.  We travel from town to town all over the place hosting events and even giving to the homeless.” I smiled at him.

“So what are you doing here then?” I asked him and his eyes lit up.

“Well, every two months we move to different towns, cities or even countries but here we are helping the homeless.” He replied. Wow, so dedicated. “And we host youth group meetings every Friday in each place every time.”

“That must be some heavy commitment,” I said, trying to ignore the fact that he would be leaving, “Maybe I can join in one Friday.”

“That would be…umm… nice, but I doubt it would be much fun…” He said before awkwardly looking away and sipping his coffee. I frowned at him but then shook it off.

“So why did you get a job at Devine Style then?” I asked confused. “Don’t you already have that job?” Christian shook his head.

“It’s a non-paying job.” He said simply before flicking his eyes to the road next to us as I kept starring into his eyes.

“Wait so, you get a new job every 2 months?” I asked in disbelief and he nodded. “But what if you are left unemployed? What if no one would hire you?”

“They do, they always do.” He said and I was taken aback slightly. I nodded slowly before my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Mum messaged me.

‘It’s chaos here! Please come help!’I frowned at the text. That never happened?

“What’s wrong?” Christian asked, concern washing over his face.

“Just, my mum’s salon is super busy…I might have to go help.” I said biting my lip and raising an eyebrow. Jake’s big green eyes looked between me and Christian.

“Yeah, no that’s fine don’t worry about it.” He said smiling, standing up in his chair and picking up his coffee which was in a takeaway cup. “We’re both done anyway.” I grabbed Jake, my bag and coffee before I shuffled up behind him then walked back across the road to the car park. We reached my small car and I buckled Jake in. I stood back up facing Christian, his blue eyes seemed to gleam in the sunlight.

“Well then, see you tomorrow.” I said with a smile. Christian seemed to be hesitating over something but then turned away.

“Yeah, see you Nora.” He said, raising his hand in a wave before shoving it in one of his pockets. I got in the car and reverse out the parking lot, Christian saluted me and I laugh.

“Bye!” I said as I exited the car park. I looked in my mirror to see Christian still standing there, his eyes were in a gaze on…me? I drove down roads, trying to get to the salon quickly. I finally arrived to find many cars parked outside the house. I quickly got out and unbuckled Jake before carrying him and my bag to the house. I opened the door, jogged straight to the lounge room sliding on Jake’s rug, placed Jake down in his play pen, jogged back, shoved my bag on the kitchen table and ran through the hall then burst through the salon door. All eyes were on me. I then noticed mum talking to two men in black suits. What?

I frowned and walked over to them, placing a hand on my mum’s shoulder to make her turn around, and that’s exactly what she did. Her face looked exhausted, large bags hung under her bloodshot eyes and a single tear tricked down her pale cheek. Concern washed over me.

“Mum?!” I half shouted and placed both hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong-”

“Excuse me, do you work here?” One man asked, moving my attention from Mum. I nodded with a frown and he pulled out a slip of paper and held it out to me. I took it from him, my curious hazel eyes scanned over the typed up writing.

‘To whom it may concern,

The hairdressing salon located at 32 Spine St, Kingswood, is no longer able to be used as it violates the law set by the Government. Running a business and creating further problems in residential areas is prohibited and a complaint has been filed to the Council. As a result of this complaint, you are to shut down the illegal business before the 22nd December. If the business is not shut down, a $1200 fine will be mailed to this address: 32 Spine St, Kingswood.


Government of Northern America.’

I felt my knees becoming weak as my hands started shaking, rattling the paper slightly. My hazel eyes scanned the floor in disbelief. I flicked my eyes up to the men, they were muscular and tall against my small frame. I furrowed my eyebrows at them, feeling my eyes begin to build up with salty tears. I pushed them back, not wanting to seem weak in front of these two men. Who in their right mind would turn us in like that...His green eyes flashed in my mind.

“How could this happen?” I asked in a whisper as I turned to Mum. She shook her head in disbelief, clasping a hand over her open mouth. I pulled an arm around her, my gaze following back up to the government men.

“Thanks… I suppose.” I said and one of them nodded before they walked out the salon and the front door, their shiny black shoes clicking against the tiled floors. Once they were out of sight, I instantly looked back at mum. I placed a hand on each of her shoulders, looking her right in the eyes as she wept.

“Come on Mum, it’s not that bad.” I said, attempting to reassure her, or rather reassure myself. Her blue eyes shifted up to look into mine. Although I was going through a lot, Tim reappearing out of nowhere, Ashley and Erne moving in, stress with Jake as he got older each day, I smiled at her. I knew this was a blow as we were already having a hard time with money, but I tried to keep myself confident in those last few seconds before I knew exactly what I had to do. Tim. I had to find Tim. 

Hey! I've been uploading alot more lately because I'm FINALLY on holidays!! Celebrate good times COME ON! Woot woot!...Okay I should probably just...go... <3 Picture is of Jake ❤

Charlotte xx

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