Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

About 20 minutes later we were pulling up into Christian and Oscar’s apartment building car park. We got out and went up to their flat. The whole apartment thing and the door created a flashback from when I found Tim…with someone else.

I shoved out the thought and knocked Christian’s door. To my dismay, or to hers, Ronnie answered.

“Hey.” Oscar said before pushing between us and through the door. It was then that I remembered he lived here too. I glanced at Ronnie who stood holding the door open stubbornly, before quickly walking through. I looked around for Christian as I stood near the entrance. Oscar had gone down the hallway to where his room was I presumed. I stood there awkwardly as Ronnie made her way to the kitchen counter. Although it was an apartment building in the middle of a small town, it was actually beautiful. The tiles on the floor reflected the small lights hanging from the ceiling.

“Want a drink or something?” Ronnie asked, surprising me. My hazel eyes flicked up to her blue ones. A small smile was placed on her lips. She was the stimulus that made me cry.

“Sure, a cup of tea would be nice.” I said, trying to be nice. She grabbed 4 mugs and turned on the kettle. I looked around, admiring the art and paintings that hung on the wall, then down to a shelf with photo frames placed carefully along it. There was one of Christian, Ronnie, Oscar and some other people I didn’t recognise, they were all in the same T-shirt – youth group t-shirts. I continued along to see one of Christian and Ronnie with their parents. One caught my eye- a little girl, probably 5, with blonde ringlets and golden brown eyes. I turned my head to the side, a smile lifting my face as I saw she was smiling with a missing tooth. It looked like a portrait, like a school photo except she looked much too young to be in school. My eyes flicked to the next. There she was again, this time on Christian’s shoulders in a park. The smile that took place in both their faces replicated on mine. I almost felt like I was there with them. Suddenly there was a loud click and I came back to reality. I turned around to see the kettle was done and Ronnie was now pouring the tea. She gestured over to the stools around the kitchen counter and I smiled. Maybe she was just having a bad day at the movie night.

She handed me a hot mug of tea and held her own as she slid onto a seat. I got up into the one next to her, cupping my hands around the hot mug.

There we sat, silently sipping away. My mind was racing in thought as to why she had acted like a total bitch to me one day, then the next we were sitting around in her apartment like good friends. It just didn’t make sense to me.

“Look, I’m sorry about what happened before.” She suddenly spoke, placing her tea down on the counter. My eyes shot up to hers. “I don’t know what was in me, it was so horrible. I don’t know why I said it, I don’t know why I acted like that.” Her blue eyes traced around the room as she spoke before finally landing back on me. I swallowed.

“It’s okay. Christian said you’d been a bit, umm, different lately. I didn’t take it personally.” I laughed yet cut it short once Ronnie didn’t join in.

“I guess I’m a control freak. I always want things my way and if something or someone goes against that, I automatically turn into a fire breathing monster.” This time she chuckled. “Plus it was that time of the month then but anyways!” She added making me laugh. I was quite shocked at how open she was.

We continued sipping our tea and I continued admiring the artwork in the apartment. My eyes, once again, flicked to a photo of the small girl with golden locks.

“Who is that?” I asked, then realized she probably had no idea who I was talking about. I pointed over to a photo frame with the young girl inside, then looked back at Ronnie. A sudden flash of panic ran through her eyes and I frowned slightly.

“Oh that’s just…our niece.” She said and I nodded. “Her name’s Chloe, she’s 6 at the moment.” Ronnie explained. I smiled at her then looked back at the picture. What a little cutie. I had always thought of if Jake was a girl. It would be so different, I wouldn’t know what to name him. But then again, if he was a girl, I would dress her up nicely with a cute ribbon in her hair and take her shopping, go get our nails done when she was older. But either way, I wouldn’t change Jake for anything.

My mind eventually wondered back to reality.

“I forgive you, by the way.” I simply stated, breaking the silence. She gave me a smile.

“I won’t do it again.” She said, as if she was a little kid. We chuckled. I looked into her clear blue eyes that were so similar to the ones I could stare at forever. Suddenly my hand came out in front of me, my pinkie finger raised while the others were down.

“Promise?” I asked with a laugh, like a full on little girl.

“Promise.” She laughed, wrapping her finger around mine. Oscar entered the room in a beanie and his phone.

“Oh, what’s going on here?” Oscar asked as he came and slumped down on a stool next to me. Ronnie and I smiled at each other before both taking a sip at the same time.

“Nothing, I made you tea.” She stated with a smile, moving the subject on successfully.

“Oh awesome!” Oscar explained and grabbed the mug of now cold tea. He gulped it down his throat and both Ronnie and I waited for him to stop because it was cold – he never did.  Christian entered the room and went straight to the kitchen. He didn’t even notice we were there.

“Hey Ronnie, want some tea?” He asked in a yawn. She laughed and I chuckled. The sound of my laugh must have been familiar in Christian’s mind because he turned around as soon as I started.

“Nora, what are you doing here!?” He asked sounding quite excited. My smile widened and I moved my vision to Oscar who had one eyebrow raised. He still didn’t even know my plan.

“Revenge…” I simply stated and pointed over to Oscar’s bashed up face. Christian and Ronnie’s eyes followed my finger to where the bruise lay under his eye and his split lip. Christian’s eyes widened and Ronnie placed her mug down and walked over to Oscar, examining his lip.

“What the hell happened?!” Christian demanded, asking both Oscar and me. Oscar didn’t reply as Ronnie was examining his lip. I looked back at Christian’s worried face.

“Remember when we first met?” I said. Christian nodded. “Well, those men were there and…so was Oscar.” I stated and Christian slammed his fists down on the counter hard, making Ronnie, Oscar and I jump in shock.

“Those arrogant, assheaded-” Christian began to say and my eyes widened.

“Christian!” Ronnie exclaimed. “Wait so, you want to go back there?!” Ronnie asked turning to me. I frowned.

“Well yes, they can’t just go on with life thinking they are superior to everyone, especially not Christians.” Christian smiled, not because it sounded like I was saying there were many Christian’s as people, but because he could see a change in my ways as I felt I was becoming closer to God.

There was a moment of silence when we all looked into each other’s eyes, until finally Ronnie agreed.

“Okay, we will go,” She began and Oscar made a ‘ye-ha’ sound, jumping up into the air. “But! No one is getting hurt, not one of us and not one of them.” She explained and I nodded. I smiled at Christian and he smiled back.

Something big was about to happen…

YAY Another cliffhanger :) What do you think is about to happen? Comment below {It makes my day - not even kidding ❤❤} Thanks for the reads! I cant even explain how happy you guys make me! Be ready for the next chapter - because like Nora said - something big is about to happen ;)

Charlotte xx

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