Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My eyes flicked to the contact name. Great, just what I needed. Tim’s contact name flashed on my phone screen. My smile faded as I realized it wasn’t Christian and I tapped the answer icon, bringing it to my ear.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Sup.” Tim’s deep voice spoke. I used to be so used to that voice, it use to glide through my ears daily, but now I never hear it. It was like cold water splashing onto bare feet.

There was a moment of silence when I expected him to explain why he called, but he remained quiet.

“Why’d you call?” I asked blandly.

“I just wanted to talk...”He said. I could feel anger coming on inside me.

“About what? What’s there to talk about?” I snapped. Great. My mood was always easily changed when it came to Tim.

“I was just wondering how you’re going, with the salon and all?” My mind flicked and I remembered how the salon had to be closed down before a certain date…My mind wondered as to what date it was…22nd December.

It was only a week until Christmas…Which means the 22nd December is only three days away!

“Shit! I have to go!” I yelled, about to tap the hang up button on my phone.

“WAIT NORA!” He yelled loudly.

“What?” I asked, bringing it back to my ear.

“Just remember, it wasn’t me okay?” He said, his voice was the soft comforting one that used to make my cheeks rosy. I thought for a moment. “I didn’t send that complaint, I swear to God-”

“Don’t say that.” I cut him off. Wow, I was getting defensive of God. I mentally thanked Christian.

“Okay, I’m sorry but I didn’t Nora.” There was a moment of silence. “Nora? I promise!” Those last two words pierced my heart. Images, memories and flashbacks hit me hard and I scrunched my eyes shut in reflex. Tim had said that too many times before. He said that whenever we had a fights. He always promised something, whether it was that he had changed or that he didn’t mean to hurt me. But whatever promise he made, he always failed to keep it.

“Okay Tim, whatever.” I mumbled, finally being able to reply. “Bye.” I dully hang up, pressing the button before laying back onto my bed and staring at the ceiling. I saw a figure enter and realized it was Ash. She saw my dull, saddened face and her smile fell. She must have thought it was Christian too.

“Aw, what happened?” She asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed with Jake in her lap. Nothing, just my heartbreaker trying to promise me yet another thing… I sat up as I felt tears welling in my eyes. Ash’s concerned face stared back at me. “Nora, what’s wrong?” I stared into her large brown eyes before replying.

“Tim.” As soon as Ash heard that name her jaw stiffened.

“What did he do?”

“He keeps promising me things, and I don’t know whether to believe him or not.” I said as a tear trickled out of my eye and onto my cheek. Ash gave me a sympathetic smile. “He doesn’t understand, no one understands. Being a single mum, you looked down upon, especially when you were never married. You don’t have the freedom that other people get. You don’t get to be able to call your partner and ask for them to look after your son. You can’t do anything like that because you don’t have a partner to call. You suffer from financial problems, I could only just pay my last bill only because I worked an extra three hours at work.” Ash’s face fell evermore, if it was even possible.

“It’s okay though.” She stated and I frowned confused at her. “You have Christian and I know that he will never leave your side. He’s a good man Nora.” She answered and I flicked my eyes to Jake who had been playing with his toy pig quietly while we talked. I smiled down at him as he giggled and saw me looking at him. “Plus you’ll always have Jake, your parents, Erne and I. Don’t forget Lacey and Terry.” She chuckled slightly. “So your kind of really supported, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“I guess.” I said as another tear slipped out. Jake stood and stumbled over to me, reaching up with his small hand and catching the droplet of salty water. Ash and I both looked at each and other and burst into laughter. Wow, he knew exactly how to cheer someone up, simply by being his cute little self.

After the laughing settled down and Jake was sitting in my lap, Ash looked back up at me. “Just do me a favour okay?” She asked and I nodded.


“Just forget about Tim.” She said and I looked back down at Jake again. “He doesn’t do any good to you, he just puts pressure on your back and gets you into a mess that you don’t deserve to be in.” Jake’s eyes flicked up at me, the green in his eyes suddenly disconnected itself from the memory of Tim. That was what Tim was, just a memory. Those eyes weren’t Tim’s, they were Jake’s. They always had been, but I was drowning in heartbreak from the loos of Tim. Now was the time when that stopped. Now was when I could finally resurface and breathe again, to enjoy the life I had been given. 

“I promise.” I said and Ash broke into a smile before reaching forwards and hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and Jake giggled from in between us.

“Never forget it.” She spoke into my ear.

“I won’t.”

Oh boy, Tim just wont leave her alone...{Desperate much XD}

Do you think Nora is going to break her promise and forget? Do you even think that is a worthy promise to the best friend {To not forget something which she has no control over?} Speak your opinions below! :)

Ash and Nora {Best friends} remind me of me and my bestie {ChiaraKeady!} Oh and also ITS HER BIRTHDAY TODAY {Hence the dedication ❤} Love you sis :D

Charlotte xx

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