Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

4 years ago... 

Nora POV

I pushed past the crowd of what seemed like hundreds of people, the loud music blaring in my ears. I finally reached the bar bench where people were sitting lined up along it, in their hands were a glass of some type of spirits that was probably poisoned and would end up leaving them limp on the club floor.

I didn’t like going to clubs, I decided this he minute we walked in. It was my first time to celebrate my eighteenth and that Lacey was about to leave for her university in the week to come. I didn’t want to come, but Lacey seemed so enthusiastic about clubbing, dancing to the night was day and just hanging around and meeting new people. I on the other hand, was more interested in staying home in my room with a John Green book and my computer – that was my dream night, yet Lacey had other plans for us…

I managed to squeeze onto a small bar stool and wedge myself in between these two massive men who looked way older than I was, maybe mid 40’s even. Why were they even here?

I sat myself down on the stool, exhausted from the jumping and dancing Lacey had forced me into, not to mention the communication with other human beings…

Okay, okay. I wasn’t that antisocial, I just wanted some alone time with John Green’s taunting and inspirational words – is that too much to ask?

I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder, yet ignored it assuming it was a random bashing into me while jumping to the techno music that was filling the room and intoxicating the space, making me feel like there was no air to breathe. The person kept hitting me and I eventually turned around, a frown planted on my annoyed face.

“Woah, someone’s not too happy!” Lacey laughed at me over the loud music and I immediately groaned and hit her playfully in the arm.

“I thought you were some random guy half punching me in the back!” I shouted back so she could just hear me.

“Come on, you’ve hardly even danced yet!” Lacey said while trying to grab my hands. I instantly pulled back and leaned away from her.

“No Lacey! I’m fine thanks!” I replied, trying to prevent her from pulling me back to dancing.

“Nah-uh, come on!” She managed to grab hold of my arm, pulling me into the large crowd of jumping giants – or so it seemed. I felt the pressure between all the bodies moving in the tight space, almost like my feet were leaving the floor as everyone jumped at the same time to the music. I retreated my plan of trying to get back to the stool, it was not an option anymore as all I could see was people’s torsos and shoulders at my eye height. That’s another reason why I hate this type of dancing, I had always been so short.

I kept a tight grip on Lacey’s sweaty hand as she jumped around with random strangers to the music. I tried enjoying myself, but it just wasn’t my type of enjoyment or hobby...if clubbing even is a hobby for some, I don’t know…I’m just too innocent and small…

Lacey’s hand began leaving mine and I squirmed as our locked hands got jarred between two people’s shoulders, causing our hands to break apart. Great.

People crowded in my view as I tried jumping up to see where Lacey went – there was no hope because EVERYONE was jumping.

Ugh, why did I even give in to coming here…?

I continued to try and find Lacey but just couldn’t look over everyone. I occasionally caught glimpses of her smiling face through people’s shoulders, but there was no hope in even trying to get to her.

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