Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

As I stood there with Jake crying on my hip, my hazel eyes wide as they could go, mouth open, my heart hammering. There in front of me was Tim. He had died his hair black and had tattoo’s up both arms, I didn’t recognize him at first but then his bright green eyes brought back the memories. The one person who I hoped so badly that I would never see again, that Jake would painfully never have to meet. His bright green eyes looked in the mirror which was in front of him and saw my reflection and instantly turned around. I immediately walked away, Jake still resting on my hip. I couldn’t believe it. He was here, standing in front of me.

Although I despised him, I also thanked him because if it weren’t for him then I wouldn’t have Jake. He was a treasure in my life that I would always protect, his safety, heart and life came before mine.

As I made toast and prepared Jake’s bottle trying to ignore the feeling of pain deep in my heart, I heard Mum saying she would be right back. She walked into the kitchen and frowned at me.

“Nora, what is the matter? What did you want?” She asked as she got out a spray bottle from the cupboard. I raised my eyebrows at her in disbelief. How could she not realize who it was?

“Mum, you can’t be serious!” I said to her as I fed Jake his bottle. She frowned at me even harder.

“Nora, you need to explain yourself here. I’ve asked you and you haven’t answered me.”  My Mum explained to me, obviously getting annoyed. I sighed and then began to explain.

“Mum, its Tim.” I said while putting Jake on the floor. My mother’s face suddenly fell as she took in my words, obviously scanning over his new face in her mind.

“Honey, I’m so sorry.” She said as she came over and hugged me. “I didn’t realize. I shouldn’t have let him in. I shouldn’t of let Carol employ him, but I didn’t realize. Why do you think he’s here?”

My eyes started to well up and I almost forgot to answer. “To be honest, I really don’t know. Maybe to interrogate Jake and I, or maybe he didn’t realize or forgot, but I doubt it.” I replied then paused considering something else, the most unlikely of them all. “Or maybe-”

“Maybe what sweetie?” Mum asked looking deep into my hazel eyes with pained ones of her own.

“Maybe he wants me back.” I blurted out then felt more tears coming. I blinked them away and pretended they were never there. My mother’s face dropped and her eyes flicked from between both of mine.

“Okay, well don’t worry. I will say something if you want me to.” Mum said as she pulled back from our hug but still kept her arm on my shoulder.

“No.” I rather snapped not meaning to. “I mean no, don’t say anything.” I replied.

“Okay, well I’ll see you when this jerk’s shift ends.” Mum said giving me a small smile on my face.

“See ya” I said as she walked out of the kitchen and I looked down to see Jake hugging my leg standing and looking up at me with a worried look on his face. He rubbed his eye and clung onto my leg. I reached down and ruffled his hair smiling, then testing to see if he would walk with me, I put my arm down and held my hand out. He cutely placed his small hand into mine and looked up at me. I walked forward and he did the same. I managed to walk him to the front door, which was awkwardly right next to the door of the front room.

As I was dressing Jake in small shoes and a small hat, I overheard Tim and my mother talking. Muffled voices filled my ears as I got Jake ready for the small walk through the town I was going to take him on.

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