Chapter 15

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Hmm,let me know what you think about this chapter, I think it shows Nora's new connection and relationship with God, yet I think I got a bit carried away...{Let me know in the comments...}

Chapter 15

I stepped out the car into the cold night air, Ronnie slipped out behind me. Christian and Oscar got out the front seats and slowly made their way into the patches dark shadows towards the church-like building. I followed after Christian and Ronnie trailed along directly behind me. My head was racing with thoughts on why the hell I had thought this was a good idea. I was such an idiot, such a stupid, ignorant idiot-

“You okay?” Christian asked, interrupting my thoughts. I nodded up at him. The sound of music and loud voices echoed down the empty street, the street lights flickered making me feel I was in a horror movie.

We crossed the road, before continuing up the side path along the church and up to the pub. The noises grew louder as we got closer. I became more wary and worried as I heard Ronnie’s deep and ragged breathes from behind me. We continued walking until we saw the silhouettes of men. There were smashes of glass and shouting. I began walking slower. What the hell was wrong with me? I wanted revenge?! Since when was I that type of person?!

Suddenly Ronnie grabbed my arm with a sharp breath, her nails digging into my skin, but I didn’t care. I snapped my head to the side just as we passed a small alley way that lead to a dead end. Then someone walked out from the shadows. A large man with three cigarettes dangling out his dirty lips. I instantly recognised him. Smoke filled my nose and instantly held my breath. His dark eyes narrowed once he saw my face, most likely recognising me from when Christian and I first met. Christian and Oscar had kept walking, not realizing we had stopped. I wanted to yell out to them, to tell them to help us but I couldn’t. The filthy man’s eyes traced up and down Ronnie’s body and I stood out in front of her without thinking, my protective senses of being a mother had kicked in. Three other men appeared from behind him and my lips parted. Suddenly the man with the cigarette reached out and gripped his filthy hand around my small wrist. I yanked back instantly, but he still had grip around my delicate wrist. I couldn’t think of what to do. Ronnie instantly began yelling at him to let me go, grabbing Oscar and Christian’s attention finally. I squirmed underneath his strong grip and finally slipped my hand out of his Ronnie protectively pulled me back just as Christian and Oscar ran up in front of us. One of the men behind must have recognised Oscar from early this evening. It was now around 11:30 maybe…

“Well, well look who it is again.” His screechy voice spoke. He was the skinner one of the four. I scrunched my nose up in disgust.

“How’s it going mate?” Oscar spoke in a joking way. The man with the disgusting beard spat on the ground before wiping his arm to his mouth, which was somewhere beneath that forest of hair.

“Great actually, now you’re here.” They replied sarcastically, yet I didn’t know for sure as the fat one cracked his knuckles.

“Hey, listen-” Christian began trying to manage it maturely. Obviously that wasn’t quite their approach as the really skinny one raised his fist, swinging it into Oscar’s jaw. My eyes widened as did Ronnie’s. Then everything happened too fast.

The fat one swung his fist into Christian’s stomach, winding him and making him fall back onto the road. A fist was coming my way and my eyes widened, but then Ronnie pushed me out the way. I tripped on the edge of the road and fell onto my hands on my stomach right next to Christian who was still struggling to find air. Our eyes locked and everything seemed to slow down.


That’s all I could see in his eyes. He was scared, he was afraid.

I looked up at Ronnie who also looked frightened to death. I then looked at Oscar as he tripped back slightly, his expression was the same. No one was being strong. Everyone was fearing them…

In that moment I stood up, grabbing Christian’s hand and pulling him up too. I looked up at the scene before me. The man with multiple cigarettes had gripped both Ronnie’s wrists while the fat one had punched Oscar down. The skinny one stood before Christian, grabbing something out of his pocket and holding it so it was pointing directly towards Christian.  Suddenly I was pushed back again, straight back onto the road behind me. The man with a beard stood over me. I scrunched my nose up in disgust as he leant down and grabbed both my wrists in one hand.

“How do you feel little girl?” He hissed as I stared deep into those heartless eyes. “Do you feel helpless? Want some help? Because your not going to get any. Take a look around.” I frowned and looked up at the others. 

The man with multiple cigarettes had gripped both Ronnie’s wrists while the fat one had punched Oscar down. The skinny one stood before Christian, grabbing something out of his pocket and holding it so it was pointing directly towards Christian who was backing away, his eyes flicked to Ronnie who was whimpering loudly.  

I felt my fingers become tense as they dug themselves into my palm. I was thinking only one thing and I knew exactly who I was talking to. 

Give me courage.

Give me hope.

Give me strength.


I lifted my fist, ripping it out of his grip and swung it into his jaw. His head jerked back to the side and I pushed him off me. Eyes were suddenly on me. A glint of silver in the skinny one’s hand caught my attention. A knife. He was pointing it towards Christian.

Oh. Hell. No.

I swung my leg around and pushed the skinny one over by kicking his knee from the back. He tripped forward and for a second my heart stopped. For a second I thought that knife had pierced Christian’s chest. For a second I saw my future, a miserable life without Christian.

But then I realized my eyes had tricked me.

A smile of relief grew over my face and the men scrambled to their feet away from us. Ronnie had managed to have one hand escape his grip and had slapped him hard on the cheek, freeing herself and pushing him back. We focused our vision on the men now. The one with a beard pointed to me.

“T-there’s something weird about you.” He stuttered and I frowned. “There’s something weird about the lot of ye’!” He exclaimed, he was slowly moving backwards. I looked around at Christian with a confused face. He just simply smiled at me, as did Ronnie and Oscar when gave then the same expression.

Suddenly Christian reached out and grabbed the skinny one’s t-shirt collar, lifting him up so he was looking into Christian’s eyes.

“Don’t you ever, ever let me see you again.” He said in a voice I had never heard before which made my eyes widen. Christian let go of the man’s shirt with a thrust, making him fall back into his gang of men. “Got it?” He asked them all. The small skinny one nodded vigorously as did the one with a beard, however the fat one and one with multiple cigarettes raised an eyebrow, making me concerned for a second that they would fight back again.

“We won’t, not after that one!” The bearded one spoke, once again pointing his filthy finger at me. Christian took a deep breath. “Sorry mate,” He spoke endingly to Oscar who nodded his head stubbornly. “But you kind of are a Jesus freak.” Oscar snapped his head up and thrusted forward, but luckily Christian stood between them just in time.

“Let’s go.” Ronnie stated, eyeing the men as we all nodded in agreement. We began walking back to the car and I felt a hand slip over mine. I flinched, thinking it was one of those men again, but the relaxed once I looked up into those pale blue eyes. I leaned into his chest with a smile and he pecked me on the lips. I instantly felt safe.

Thank you,


Like I said, I got carried away... hahah. Let me know in the comments below if you thought this chapter was a little out of place too and if you enjoyed please hit that vote button! ❤

Charlotte xx

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