Chapter 12

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 {Keep in mind this chapter continues from when Nora sees her mother crying...} 

Chapter 12

“Mum?” I asked, concern drowned in my voice. I put a hand on her shoulder and she moved her blurry gaze to me. “What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing Nora, you just enjoy the little party ok.” She stuttered and I frowned. Did she really think I was that gullible? I mean, she had tears building up in her eyes!

“Mum, can’t you just tell me?” I asked then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, annoyed that I was always getting interrupted. My eyes met dark green ones. His almost familiar jawline clenched. His brown hair flicked out from underneath a beanie. His face was hidden in the shadow of his beanie but his features were just visible.

“Oscar!?” I half yelled. He stood their awkwardly, biting his lip with his hands shoved in his pockets.

“Hey.” He simply said and I frowned in confusion. What the hell was he doing here?

“What are you doing? Why are you here?” I asked, completely forgetting what had happened a second ago with mum.

“Well, I kind of got lost and I remembered this was your place…” He said and I frowned. Oscar didn’t seem to be the type to ‘get lost.’

“How did you get lost?” I asked, but then my eyes widened once Oscar lifted his head more, allowing light to flood his face, showing me a black eye and a split lip. “Oh my god! What-”

“-Don’t say that.” He intervened. I felt my breath becoming ragged, reminding me of mum. Turning around, I took a glimpse at our surroundings. Mum and dad had left. Mum sat on the couch with Ashley and Lacey while dad stood holding a beer bottle with Erne and Terry. I looked back at Oscar’s beaten face before placing my wine glass on the nearby table and grabbing his hand, leading him to the bathroom.

“Come.” I simply said, pulling on his arm as we walked around the corner and down the hallway.

Once inside the bathroom, I shut the toilet lid for Oscar to sit down. I opened the small cabinet above the sink, searching for cotton wool balls and ointment, Oscar’s eyes followed my every move. I finally found them and poured a small amount of the ointment on to the cotton wool ball. I then turned around and kneeled down in front of Oscar, my cold hand held his jaw and I raised it to his lip. He jerked back away.

“It’s okay dude.” I said in a chuckle before gently dabbing it on his split lip. At this point in time, I didn’t really care about who did this to him or how it happened, I just went into autopilot and needed to take care of him. It was funny really, I mean just a few days ago he was some manly dude who was the ‘cool’ one, but now he was sitting in my bathroom while I cleaned him up, most likely making him embarrassed and ruining his reputation.

I came back to reality as I stopped dabbing his lip, his eyes were looking straight at mine. I took in a deep breath before standing up and packing away the products. I turned around to see him still sitting there, looking like a helpless little thing.

“I’ll be right back okay, just stay here.” I said.

“Okay, be as long as you want.” He smirked and I frowned.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, my hand enclosing around the doorknob.

“Well, you’re a girl aren’t you? Girls take as much time as they want.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“Ha ha Oscar.” I said before shutting the door. Challenge accepted. I walked to the kitchen, realizing everyone was now outside, sitting by the barbeque and watching the stars. I sneaked to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack for Oscar’s bruised eye. I then wrapped it in a small clothe before walking back to the bathroom.

“Nora? What are you doing in there?” I heard Lacey yell. “Shouldn’t you be spending some time with your big sis?” When we were younger, I would have just laughed and carried on if she asked me that. But now that I had missed her for so long, all I could do was half smile. Just as I was about to reply to Lacey, saying I would be right there, I remembered what Oscar had said.

“I’ll just be a second okay?” I said through the screen door to Lacey.

“Sure, okay.” She said and I felt guilty. I went back to the bathroom, opening the door.

“I wasn’t as long I you thought I would be was I-” I began as I entered before realizing the bathroom was empty. I frowned, where the hell was he now? It was like he was a toddler playing hide and seek with me, especially since I told his to ‘stay right here.’

I made my way out again and back to the kitchen, double checking he wasn’t there. Once again, I was alone. I checked the lounge room and study.

“Oscar where the hell are you!?” I yelled, walking through the house. I then heard a babies cry. What the hell?

I walked into my bedroom, swinging the door open and revealing Oscar sitting on my bed reading something. He didn’t even lift his head when I entered.

“Fancy seeing you here!” He said while continuing reading. I stormed in, annoyed that he had let himself into my room and woken up my son.

“Oscar what the hell!?” I yelled in a whisper and scooped Jake up from his crib, placing him against my chest. “Why didn’t you just stay in the bathroom-?”

“-What’s this?” He asked, holding up a small book of some sort. It was only then I recognised the shiny red cover, the photos bulging out of the pages. It was my drawing book, the one filled with photos and drawings of Tim and I. My eyes widened and I attempted to snatch it from him but his jerked it away from me. I leaned further over the bed but couldn’t reach it.

“Why the hell do you have that!?” I asked.

“I found it. Why is it so important to you anyways? It’s just a book.” Just as Oscar said that, a photo of me and Tim slipped out and onto the floor. Oscar’s eyes followed it and sudden realization filled his face. He shot his eyes up to mine, guilt and confusion filling his eyes.

Boy-oh-boy, this was going to be a long night…

I bet SOMEONE at least ONE of you thought they were about to kiss ;) Got you there! {Leave me a comment below and admit it if you did think that :D} Her poor mum ~ shes so cute ❤ 

Stay tuned everyone because NEXT CHAPTER IS BIG! ❤

Charlotte xx

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