Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

As soon as the door opened, my eyes landed on Tim’s weak body in the hospital bed. It seemed like I was in one of those movies…

 I thanked the nurse quietly before stepping in. She closed the door behind me, his green eyes flashed over to mine at the sound of the door closing. A weak smile appeared on my face. I stepped closer, slowly lowering myself onto a chair by his bed. As I got closer I realised he had a black eye and his eyes were largely bloodshot. His forehead had a large gash. His weak hands by his side were quivering and tinted a purply-blue. A massive scrape was covering the whole of his left side of his face from where he had been smashed onto the road. One of his arms was wrapped in a bandage, blood slowly seeping into the outer layers of the cloth.

I swallowed at the sight of blood.

I could see his bare shoulders and lower neck, but the rest was gently covered in the hospital blanket.

“Hi.” I only just managed to say. Hi!? Really? He almost died and all you had to say was hi!?

“Hey, didn’t think I would see you here.” A small smile sneaked out of his lips. “Josh told me he called.”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to intrude right away.” I smiled, completely covering my feelings of how I was just too stubborn to come, trying to live up to everyone’s expectations of how ‘I always took it to heart when it came to Tim.’ “How’ve you been?”

“Yeah good, it’s been a couple days. I’ve had surgery on my arm but it seems to be okay now.” He said so casually.

“You say it like it’s nothing.” I half chuckled.

“It is nothing, compared to being killed.”

I fell silent.

“Who was the driver?” I asked after a silent moment.

He shrugged. “Some idiot driving over the speed limit.”

“You do that…” I said almost unaware. His eyes shot to mine as soon as the words left my mouth.

“Nah, I used to do that. Key words there; used to.” He said, a smile crept onto my face. He saw my smile, his face lit up as well. “See, I told you. I’ve changed.” I laughed and rolled my eyes.

“So who’s Miriam?” I asked out of the blue.

“Oh, she’s a girl who happens to be my friend.” He said. I watched his eyes as she shyly looked away, a smile appearing on his face. He looked so happy, so content and this time it wasn’t with himself. He wasn’t happy with himself or something he had achieved – like ‘having a girlfriend’ – he has happy with his relationship. I could tell. Simon used to always look that way, especially the first couple years they fell in love, I can still remember...

“You mean girlfriend?” I asked, the word sending a slight pain into my chest. His eyes flicked straight up to mine.

“Yeah…How do you know her?” He asked confused.

“I met her just before, she’s really nice girl Tim.” I said with a smile before adding, “You better not hurt her like you hurt me…” His eyes shot straight back to mine, the sympathy and sorrow so visible.

“Hey, I told you – I’ve changed.” He said, almost convincingly. He lifted his hand and placed it onto my own. I blinked away, turning my gaze to the hospital window beside him. He took his hand off of mine. “What about you? Do you have a new man?” My mind switched to Christian’s shaggy blonde hair and cloudy blue eyes. I felt blush creep from the butterflies in my stomach to my cheeks.

“Yeah, I do actually.” I looked away from Tim, down at the overly sterile hospital floor. I could see Tim’s expression change slightly, as if he was…annoyed. I decided not to let it bother me. “It’s good to know we have both moved on.” I said with a small smile. He nodded his head, glancing up at me and quickly returning the smile.


I was glad she had moved on, or at least acted like it. I mean, for all I knew she just made up that she did indeed have someone else because I had told her about Miriam. But Nora wasn’t one to lie about those things. Jealousy wouldn’t get to her like that.

She stayed for a while, we chatted about the little things like how the coffee at our local corner shop has become gross ever since the shop owners’ changed. And how Nora’s neighbours left due to the expenses.

Then we talked about bigger, more important stuff…

“So how is Jake?” I asked out of the blue. I could tell Nora wasn’t expecting it because cut short her laughter and quickly looked at me, her eyes intense.

“Yeah, yeah he’s doing great.” She said nodding. I waited with a smile for her to continue. “His birthday is coming up soon, on December 'the twenty-seventh.” We said at the same time. Her eyes shot to mine

“I know.” I said, “I remember coming into the hospital when you were almost eight and a half months pregnant and asking for what date you were due...” Nora’s eyes shot up to mine once again.

Well, she wasn’t expecting that at all.

“You went into the hospital?” She asked, her eyes wide open in shock.

“Of course I did. I realized that I was an idiot. I was stupid ass idiot for everything.” Nora took in a sharp breath, her eyes flicked to the floor again. “Nora, I’m so sorry-”

But she cut me off.

“- No Tim, stop.” I waited, my eyes never leaving hers, even if she wasn’t looking. She was a delicate flower petal and I had ripped her off the stem, thrown her on the ground. “I don’t want to hear this Tim. I don’t want to be reminded.” Her pained eyes reached mine. “That was the darkest place in my life and I never want to go there again. I don’t want to relive that.” I swallowed.

I was the darkest point of her past.

“But you came here to see me. Why would you do that if I was the darkest point of your past?”

She replied, “No Tim, you weren’t the darkest point, what you did was.”


Hello everyone :)

Sorry I haven’t posted in so long, I’ve just been really busy {and had writers block haha}

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did be sure to vote & comment! ❤

Thank you for the reads, honestly.

Charlotte xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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