Chapter 22

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{I'm advising you to read the end description before the actual chapter - which you have mostlikely already read. So skip forward and read the bold text beforehand to save you from confusion :) Thankyou ❤}

Chapter 22

After a refreshing and warming hot shower, I wrapped myself in the towel Christian had gotten from the cupboard for me. I pulled my hair over to one side of my shoulder, looking at myself in the foggy mirror. My eyes seemed to have turned a greener shade, my hair still had those blonde highlights that I had gotten over a year ago.

I remember when I got those done. I was sitting in the salon, Tim across from me on the couch, a smug smile on his face as my mother brought out the dye. At that point in time there were no rainbow rugs in the lounge room, no random toys travelling across the house, no cot in my bedroom upstairs.

I flashed back to reality, drying my face gently, continuing to star at my eyes in the mirror. I heard a gentle knock on the bathroom door.

“Yes?” I answered.

“It’s me, just wondering if you needed anything.” Christian’s voice asked. I smiled at his politeness.

“Nah, I’m good.” I replied.

“Okay, see you in the lounge.”


After getting dressed and into my panda printed pyjama pants and plain white t-shirt, I exited into the lounge room, passing the hall cupboard and Ronnie’s room which was first on the right. I found Christian sitting on the couch with the TV on and his eyes closed. He heard my light footsteps and opened his eyes, blinking once he saw me. I smiled and sat next to him.

Master Chef was on TV, something that I had never really been fond of. Something my dad had really gotten into…It made it slightly painful, having to listen to the show without my dad yelling at the screen to ‘take out the cupcakes from the oven!’ or ‘turn down the heat you idiot!’

After about 15 minutes, we decided to head to bed. Christian led the way, opening a door to a large room. It had a single bed, a small dresser and a tiny window with pathetically hung sheets of white fabric, supposedly curtains. I looked around, the bed sheets were tangled as if someone had just slept in them. There were clothes on the floor, male’s shorts and a few tops. My eyes flicked up to Christian’s.

“Yeah, this is my room…” He said, trailing off. I nodded and smiled.

“It’s cosy.” I said with a smile. Christian laughed.

“Well yeah, been trying to fix that but unfortunately there isn’t much I can do.” He laughed. His face turned quickly into sudden realization as if he had just remembered something. “Oh, here we go.” He said before charging over to the bed and fiddling with a buckle underneath the actual mattress. Suddenly he pulled out another bed from underneath his own. My eyes widened in shock.

“Wow, I was not expecting that.” I said and Christian chuckled.  He dragged the mattress out until it was around half a meter away from his own bed. He lifted his pointer finger on the air.

“Be right back.” He said before walking out the room. I took the opportunity to look around again. I looked at the small plank of wood that was hooked onto the wall, acting as a shelf. It had a small picture frame on it. I took a closer look, my eyes focusing on the little girl. Chloe, Ronny head told me her name was. It suited her. In this photo she was much older than in the other ones. Her small body stood in the evening sunlight as she squinted up at the camera, grass surrounding her pink ‘Banana in Pyjama’s’ shoes. A rainbow coloured hat was placed on her head.

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