Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I pushed the trolley through the aisles, occasionally grabbing supplies and placing them in the trolley. Jake sat in the baby seat, his face light up whenever he saw strangers walking about. I grabbed some milk and butter before placing it in the trolley. Suddenly Jake started to whimper, his bottom lips sticking out and his cheeks becoming redder, tears outlining the rims of his eyes. I immediately picked him up out of the seat and placed him on my hip. He then burst out in a scream and I frowned at him.

“Shh, Jake it’s ok.” I said calming him slightly. I pushed the heavy trolley down the aisle with one hand, struggling and trying to keep him quiet. “Jake, stop it.” I whispered to him, not wanting to cause a commotion. I pushed the trolley around the corner of the aisle, my eyes were focused on Jake until I felt a jolt from the trolley. Some of the groceries fell out of the overly loaded trolley. Great. I then looked up into bright green eyes.

“Oh I’m so sorry-” Tim’s deep voice began as he grabbed the stuff up off the ground, but he stopped once he looked up and realised who I was. “Nora.” His face seemed to light up at his recognition of me. He stood, still holding the things I was going to buy.

“Hi…” I managed to say between Jake’s squeals. I looked into Jake’s eyes, he focused on mine and he calmed, placing his two fingers in his mouth and blinking innocently. I looked back up to Tim to see him staring at Jake, almost admiring him. I bounced him up my hip, Tim’s eyes flicking back to mine. After he didn’t reply I did for him. “Well umm, I better get going.” I said, grabbing the things off Tim and placing Jake back in the baby seat.

“Oh umm…yeah me too…” He replied once he was out of his daze. He brushed off his hands like he had just done some hard work, before wiping them on his daggy jeans. I nodded a shy smile to him before pushing the trolley away. Tim turned around, facing the other way but then seemed to hesitate and turned fully around, facing me again.

“Wait-” He said catching my attention as I turned my head back to his instantly. I turned back to face him. I nodded for him to continue.

“Umm…would you like to…umm…maybe…” He hesitated and I frowned slightly, raising an eyebrow. “…meet up for…food sometime?” He asked and sighed afterward, as if he was exhausted. I squinted slightly. Hmm, maybe…I mean WHAT!? Was I falling for it? Did I actually think this could be another chance for us? What would I get in return if this worked out? A double broken heart?

“…Nora?” He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side in confusion as I didn’t reply for ages, I was lost in thought.

“Oh um…” Should I? Could I? I was so caught up in his green eyes that my heart replied for myself. “…sure.” My eyes widened. What had I done! Tim’s face lightened up with a smile of almost relief. I frowned. No. This is a dream. This isn’t real. That didn’t just happen and I am NOT going anywhere tomorrow!

“Well then, see you tomorrow.” He said joyfully, bringing me back to reality. Why was he so happy? Because he would just break my heart again. No ok, I got this. I would have to tell him no. Now, do it now Nora! Say it!

But I was silent as I watched the back of his blue sweater as he walked away. Jake was silent but as soon as I turned around he put his arms up to me, wanting to always be the centre of attention. A small smile grew on my face as Jake giggled. 

“Come on you muppet.” I said to him before pushing the trolley to a check out. I then paid and left. I was packing the car when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and answered, my hand on Jake’s back as he sat in the boot which I was loading the groceries in.

“Hello?” I said into my phone.

“Nora! Hey it’s Christian!” I heard a familiar voice say. A smile immediately planted itself on my face, my cheeks becoming rosy.

“Christian? How do you have my number?” I asked confused yet laughing.

“The phone book thingy-ma-bob at work.” Christian said and I laughed.

“Oh yeah, I know exactly what you’re talking about.” I said sarcastically and we laughed, making Jake giggle. I continued unpacking the groceries into the car boot.

“So umm, I was wondering if you had some spare time.” He asked.

“Hmm. It depends what it’s for.” I said and he chuckled.

“Well, you know how you’re the top designer for our brand?” He asked, stating his reason for wanting me right there.

“I’ll be there in a second.” I laughed.

“Great, see you Nora.”

“Bye Christian."

Sorry this chapter is short - writers block :( Anyway, hope you enjoyed this short little snippet of Nora and Christian! Don't forget to vote if you did! ❤

Charlotte xx

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