Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I knocked on the door, not feeling nervous at all. The handle turned and Christian’s smiled beamed at me.

“Hey Nora.” He said happily and welcomed me in. His apartment was modern and clean. It had a balcony that looked out over the ragged landscape.

“Wow. This is luxury.” I said in awe and Christian chuckled.

“No seriously, the people at the apartments above are elephants I swear.” He said and I laughed. We heard a massive thump from the floor above and my laugh was cut short.

“It’s believable.” I said then burst into laughter again, Christian’s blue eyes following my hazel ones.

“Yeah, my roommates are out right now, you know, the ones who host the youth group events with me?” He said and I nodded at him with a smile, my eyes then flicked to a man behind him who had a thin build with brown mid length hair and dark green eyes. I nodded towards him as he walked up behind Christian, a shy smile grew on his face as I flicked my eyes to his.

“Yeah, looks like it.” I chuckled just as the man put a hand on Christian’s shoulder. Christian jumped in shock and snapped his head around.

“Oh dude! Don’t do that!” He exclaimed and put a hand to his head. I giggled then the man gestured to me.

“Hi, I’m Oscar.” He said, holding a hand out for me to shake it.

“Nora.” I said and shook his hand with a smile. “Do you work for the youth group thingy too?” I asked chuckling at my stupid sentence.

“Er yeah, me and my buddies.” He said, patting Christian on the back.

“What’s it called, by the way?” I asked.

“The youth group? The thing we run?” Christian asked confirming as I nodded. “It’s called Youth Gone Wild.” I laughed at his reply.

“Yeah, it kind of sounds like we’re a bunch of teenagers who go to parties and all that, but no. Youth as in young people, and gone wild as in travelling wide.” Oscar explained.

“Oh, yeah that makes more sense.” We laughed.

“Well, I’ll let you two get to it then.” Oscar said before smiling at both of us and walking back down to a doorway but then stopping and pointing at Christian. “Oh yeah man, don’t forgot, we have movie night tonight!” I looked back at Christian who nodded with a thumbs up. Then Oscar left.

“What’s movie night?” I asked confused.

“It’s a night where the youth group just chill and watch movies all night.” My eyes light up. “We provide popcorn, chips and lollies for everyone.”

“That’s so cool.” I said, my eye wide. “I wish I joined a youth group when I was younger.” I sad sadly. “I miss out on everything.”

“You don’t have to be like a teenager to come Nora, you can come tonight if you want-”

“Really!?” I exclaimed, clenching my hands together and my eyes looking hopeful.

“Yeah sure.” He chuckled.

“Done.” I said and he frowned confused. “Done, I’m coming.” A smile grew on both our faces.

“That’s great!” He exclaimed, then got lost in thought. Then his smile faded. I frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as he starred at the ground. His eyes flicked up to mine and she shook his head, a smile on his face again.

“Nothing.” He shook his head. I raised an eyebrow at him but then shook it off.

“Ok, where is it? Where are you hosting it tonight?” I asked, getting my phone out and opening ‘notes’ so my damn forgetful brain could remember.

“It’s in the church nearby.” He said and I frowned, confused as to where that was. “You know, the place you got lost at? Where we first met?”

“Oh! Wait…there’s a Church there!?”

“Yeah, I work there.” He exclaimed with a smile.

“Oh, it’s pretty scary down there.” I said, my eyes looking away from my phone and out the window.

“Don’t worry, I’ll drive us tonight if you want to stay over for the rest of the day? We could got get some food or something? Maybe go to the city?” He asked, clearly picking up on the fact that I really did not want to drive there on my own after my last encounter with those foul men. My eyes light up at his suggestion.

“Yes! We should go to the frozen yoghurt place down near the river!” I exclaimed excited, “And there’s a Subway there too!”

“I love Subway!” Christian exclaimed and it seemed too good to be true.


We were strolling along the edge of the river with our hot cups of coffee as we stared into the dark and mysterious looking water. I was draped into a scarf and we both wore long winter coats. My eyes flicked up to Christian’s cloudy blue ones as he stared ahead of us. Something about the way we walked closer than friends, how we brushed against each other every step, made butterflies flutter inside of me. The way his eyes glistened and turned a brighter colour in the sun, the way his hair shone when the light rays hit it. Was I falling for him?

“So, what do you say, head to Subway now or later?” Christian’s handsome voice asked, immediately snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Oh um, now?” I replied and he nodded.

“Okie dokie, off we go!” Christian said, holding out his arm. I linked my arm with him, my skin tingled even under the thick coat around me. A smile grew on my face as we marched down the pathway next to the river, the cold wind hitting across my face making me squint. People jogging past or walking in families smiled at us as we went by. I couldn’t help but laugh the whole way. Subway was across the river, so we had to catch a ferry across. We waited in line to get on, laughing and talking loudly. An old man in front of us turned around and gave us a stern glare, almost grumbling in our faces to shut it. We both held it in, trying not to let it go and burst into hysterical laughter. We scanned our ‘Go Card’ and got on. Christian was heading towards the back where the seats in the room were but I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the front. I rested on the bar at the very centre front of the boat, Christian raised an eyebrow at me.

“Here is way better.” I said, answering his unasked question. He smiled and we both looked out at the long river in front of us. The engine started to rev and I gripped the bar tighter, feeling like a child does before going on a ride at a festival. I glanced at Christian who was smiling at me before we took off into the water ahead. The cold wind smacked itself against us, I couldn’t help but smile even though we were frozen. Everyone else was inside except for us. My hair flew back as we gained speed, the smell of water filled our noses and I glanced over at Christian to see him smiling with his eyes closed, his hair quivering in the harsh wind. I then looked back ahead and closed my eyes, letting my imagination take me. The wind felt so cold, but so refreshing, pure and breathtaking. I felt Christian’s eyes on me and turned my head. I felt something warm take my hand and I looked down to see his hand over mine. I looked back up to his eyes, a smile growing and he pulled me closer to him until I was in front of him and his arms were around me, leaning on the boats front enclosing me. I looked up at him, tears were being pushed out of my eyes from the fierce wind. The butterflies in my stomach flapped hard and I felt like I was floating as he leant down towards me, his magical looking eyes flicked down to my cold lips. His lips pressed against mine, but only for a second. I felt my cheeks become redder than they already were. My nose must have been red and my lips turning purple from the coldness, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was him. Christian. Because in that second, I realised who he was to me.

YAY! ITS ABOUT TIME! She finally realized that she was in love❤...or was she? Comment below what you guys think because of her naivety with Tim ;) Thanks for all these reads guys! Its so motivating and it honestly means so much to me so THANKYOU ❤

Charlotte xx

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