Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Friday night, I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Jake was sleeping in his cot and I had been lying there for nearly an hour. I was thinking about everything, about Jake, my parents, Ash and Erne and mostly, Tim. It’s like he had sent arrows to my heart that I couldn’t see nor remove. I had only just managed to recover and he then turns up again? What did he even want? I knew one thing for sure, if he wanted me back, I wouldn’t let him have me. I wouldn’t let him trick me. He had nothing to do with me nor Jake anymore. He didn’t deserve us.

“Sweetie, are you alright?” Mum asked. “You’ve been lying there for an hour.” My mum suddenly said as she leaned on the door frame.

“Yeah mum, I’m fine.” I replied, not even looking at her. I felt my mother’s eyes flick to Jake as she slowly walked over to him, watching his gentle eyelids flicker as he dreamt.

“You know, from wat is looked at as a mistake, he is a wonderful consequence.” She said smiling. I shifted so I could see her and smiled.

“Yeah…I just wish I found the right guy…” I mumbled and Mum gave me a sympathetic smile before sitting down next to me and lacing a hand on my leg.

“Sweetie, you’ll find him and once you do, you will know he is the one.” She said reassuring. “And remember, your father and I are always here to help you sweetie. We will never give up on you no matter what.” I slowly sat up to be next to her and crawled into a hug, the kind that was familiar from your childhood, whether you scraped your knee on the playground or a friend said you could play with them.

“Thanks Mum, I love you.” I said over her shoulder with my eyes closed.

“I love you too sweetie.” She replied. “Alright, you better get some sleep before Ash and Erne come.” She said standing up then left the room with a smile. I shifted my eyes back to the ceiling, thinking if Erne had done the same to Ash. Of course he wouldn’t. Yes, I am sceptic and untrusting towards men these days, but Erne is a great guy.

I rolled over before turning off the lamp beside my bed. The presence of everything disappeared into darkness and I slowly and forcefully closed my eyes for long needed sleep.

I woke up with the sound of Jake screaming, not unusual. I quickly sat up and shifted to the other side of my bed so I could quieten him. I looked into his cot to see him sitting there, his once creamy cheeks pale and fresh tears covered them as he looked at me with his bloodshot eyes.

“Shh, sweetie.” I said as I scooped him up and next to my chest. I was wearing an oversize T-shirt and my hair was in a tiny messy bun. “Its okay baby, it was just a dream.” I reassured him and he instantly quietened. His green eyes starred back at me, tears still visible in them as they gleamed in the sunlight from my window. I sat him down on my bed in front of me before opening the curtains, revealing the harsh sunlight which poured in and filled my small room. I looked back to where I had put Jake, to see him no longer there. He was crawling across my bed and at the edge. I smiled and scooped him up into the air. “What you doing little buddy?” I said in a voice as if I was talking to a dog. He giggled and screamed as I tickled him lightly, he squirmed away from me before snuggling back once I stopped. I took him to the deserted kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

“Gone Christmas shopping with Dad.

We’ll be home around 11.

Love you xx

Mum :)”

The note read. I slipped Jake up my hip by jumping slightly, before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle I prepared for him the night before. I put it in a bowl of boiling water before letting it heat up and placing Jake in his play pen. I fed him his bottle, sat on the couch eating breakfast and flicking between random TV shows. I eventually gave up on the TV ad turned it off before watching Jake play when the door bell rung. My eyes light up and I instantly ran to the door thinking of Ash. I opened it and my eyes followed up their tall figure to Tim’s face, making my grin fade into nothingness.

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