Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The smell of fresh morning air filled my nose as I pushed Jake’s pram down the road. We were walking to the park in the morning while no one was around. I had my thick black jacket on while Jake was wrapped in his warm blanket. He was wearing little boots which mum had bought him when he was only 6 months old. I had put them on just in case he wanted to walk, or should I say – stumble.

I had just had a huge fight with mum about the salon and really needed some fresh air. I was so stubborn that I grabbed Jake from Mum’s grasp and stormed outside after being in my room for over an hours after the argument. To be honest, I don’t really know why we were fighting. I think it was because everyone was so stressed. Mum was stressed about the salon, Ash was stressed about the baby while I was just stressed in general.

I always felt like I had to release energy when arguing, and that would only make the situation worse. So I decided to take Jake out for a run so that I could cool down and slowly become tired. The thing is, now is when we need each other the most, to not fight. But the house was too full with Lacey, Terry, Ash and Erne staying with us, which only created further pressure. But it wasn’t like a massive ‘your-my-least-favourite-daughter’ type fight, just a small bickering which ended up getting pretty big. We would be over it by dinner time.

I pushed him up the steep hill which was just before the park. We made it over the hill and I stopped the pram on the edge of the parking lot. I scooped Jake up and placed him on my hip before leaving his blanket in the pram. I walked over to the playground and placed Jake on the bark. He smiled and I held onto his hands then slipped my feet underneath his. I took small steps forward and Jake giggled, his feet still on top of mine. He then grabbed onto the pole that held up a platform. He climbed up slowly before fully standing up. I smiled at him, he looked down at the bark like he was superior to it. He mumbled a few words before walking along the ‘bridge’ that was very unstable- purposely of course.

He slipped over a few times but he just went on until he reached the bottom of a slide. Jake wasn’t the type of kid who would just burst into tears from falling over slightly. He was actually a very determined and strong boy. He didn’t get hurt easily, which I think he got from Tim rather than my emotionally unstable self.

He grabbed the side of the slide with his small hands and tried pulling himself up. I walked over and tucked my hands under his arms before hauling him up onto the slide. He laughed before trampling up the slide, his hands holding onto the side. He made it halfway before he completely tumbled down. This time, I expected him to start screaming, seeing as he had hit his head lightly while tumbling backwards, but no. Instead he erupted in laughter. I instantly caught him at the bottom and held him to my chest, terrified he would have fallen head first onto the ground below, even if it was bark. He giggled lightly as if it was a game.

Suddenly I felt vibration from inside my back pocket. I pulled out my phone to see a name a I had once love dearly.

Tim Casey.

I groaned slightly. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?! I hesitate before answering the phone. I place Jake on the ground and he stood next to my legs. The phone was soon answered.

“Hello?” I spoke into the phone.

“Nora? It’s Josh, Tim’s brother remember?” My memory flashed and I saw the image of light brown hair and pale green eyes. Josh? Why was Josh calling? We used to be good friends before everything went downhill.

“Why are you calling?” I asked in confusion.

“Look, I’m sorry I called but I just thought you ought to know something.” He said and I frowned. “Tim’s in hospital.” Those words made my hazel eyes widen and I stumbled backwards slightly. Tim was hurt? Although Tim had done many hurtful things to me, I still cared for him in the tiniest, darkest and deepest place in my heart, even if I did hate him.

“Why? What happened?!” I finally managed to respond.

“Car accident, look I’ve got to go but we’re at the hospital and he’s going through procedures soon. Talk to you soon Nora.”

“Wait-” I began but then he hung up. I slowly lowered my phone from my face, my eyes staring at the ground in confusion, concern and hurt. Why was I hurt?

I turned around, expecting my eyes to land on Jake, but instead there was just empty bark. Shit.

I immediately started to panic.

“Jake?!” I yelled out, my eyes scanning the playground in front of me. “Jake!” My eyes searched and finally reached the road. Oh. My. God.

This cliffhanger ending reminds me of Chapter 1's ending hehe. What do you think Jake is up to and where do you think he went? Was he taken? Who knows {me lol} comment below your opinions!

Boy, I feel like I'm advertising when I say that ^ {Sorry if that's how it seems but I just want to know your different theories of what happened to Jake :D}

Thank you guys so much for the reads - I cant even ❤

Charlotte xx

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