Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“I thought you were with Christian!?” Oscar immediately shouted. I placed Jake in his crib, panicking that Jake would start screaming once he woke up. After I didn’t reply, Oscar seemed to be getting impatient. “Nora what the hell!?”

“Oscar shut it!” I shouted in a whisper at him as Jake opened his eyes. I looked back at Oscar, his expression seemed to be anger and confusion. As if I would actually go and cheat on Christian, after what I had gone through…

“Oscar, where do you think Jake came from?” I asked, trying to calm the scene. Oscar’s eyes flicked over to Jake in his crib, before stubbornly looking away.

“From…CHRSITIAN?!” He shouted again. I physically palmed my forehead, and yes, it hurt.

“No you idiot!” I replied in disbelief and amusement.

“Oh…” He simply said and I laughed slightly. My eyes flicked to the bruise forming under Oscar’s eye. His smirk disappeared once he saw mine do the same. I reached out and pulled his chin up so I could see it more clearly.

“What the hell did you do Oscar?” I asked and he shook his head slightly. I could feel my motherly senses were coming along.

“Nothing, it was just these dudes.” He mumble and my eyes narrowed.

“What dudes? Where?” I demanded and he flicked his eyes up to mine.

“Near the church.” Anger filled me.

“Why? What did you say to them?!”I half yelled, completely forgetting Jake was supposed to be sleeping. I let go of his jaw gently, stepping away and walking over to Jake who was slightly screaming.

“I was just working late, you know, sorting through the next events we had planned for the youth group. Then I left, locked up the building. I began walking to my car then these men came. There were four of them.” My eyes watched his lips with a frown as he said every word, urging for more information. “They ganged up on me, ripped my bag from my hands and shoved me on the ground calling me a ‘Good little boy’ and ‘Jesus follower’. I didn’t know what to do so I-”

“You didn’t fight back did you?” I interjected, concern filled my expression. He looked up at me with guilty eyes. Great. “Oscar!?”

“What was I supposed to do? They were beating me up Nora!” he yelled at me. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, rubbing my forehead. Then a sudden thought hit me. I knew these men.

“Who were they? What did they look like?” I urged suddenly and Oscar looked shocked.

“There was one with a disgusting beard, a fat one,” Images of the men flew into my mind as I tried to imagine them, then realised I didn’t need to. “…a really skinny one with a knife and one with three cigarettes hanging out his mouth.” He said. “Filthy bastard.” He mumbled and my eyes widened.

“Oscar!” I said pointing to Jake.

“Okay okay, sorry. Why were you asking anyway?” He asked.

“Because I think I might know them…” Oscar’s eyes widened once he realised what I said.

“What the hell!?” He shouted and I grabbed my phone. I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen next, and it may involve the word revenge… “How do you know them?!”

“Don’t ask, I’ll tell you later.” I said as I grabbed my boots and slipped them on. I frowned and turned around realising Oscar hadn’t said why he came here, to my house. “Wait, why did you come here?” Oscar’s face lifted slightly.

“Why not? I mean, I remembered where you lived from when we dropped you home and so-” He began but I cut him off.

“Oscar, you know how creepy that sounds?” I chuckled and he put on an expression of thought, then widened his eyes in shock.

“Oh no! I didn’t mean it like that!” He laughed, making me laugh. “I mean because you’re a mother I supposed you could fix my face up.” He said so joyful, making me laugh.

“You’re a weird one Oscar.” I said as we walked out the bedroom door.

“I know.” He said with a smile as I grabbed my car keys. I didn’t know why, but I had a feeling Christian would help. 

I love cliffhanger endings ^.^ {Sorry not sorry ❤}

Charlotte xx

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