Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Nora! Sweetie you have to get up for work!" I heard my Mum's voice come from the kitchen. I groaned then looked at my small clock on my bedside table. It read 6:27am. Ugh, wait- 6:27! Oh no I'm going to be late! I jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen, poured myself some cereal and then realized I wouldn't have time to eat it. I then left it on the counter.

"Mum! Can you get Dad or someone to eat this? I don't have time!" I yelled as I ran into my bedroom. I changed into a small white blouse and a black pencil skirt that hugged my hips. I tucked in the blouse and found my small black flats then went to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and sure enough, it was obvious that I hardly got any sleep last night. Damn it! I quickly did my hair in a ponytail and did my make-up which was only foundation and mascara. I didn't usually put too much make-up on, as I found it unhealthy and heavy on my skin.

I ran out of my bathroom and grabbed my purse from my bed which was just a small and simple black one. I put on my large sunglasses and I ran passed Jake and Mum, giving them each a kiss the running to the door and giving my Dad a kiss. I ran through the front door and into the car. It was only a small car and it was my first one, I mean, I was only 22. As drove into the city I couldn't help but wonder what my boss would think. I better find a quicker way into work.

I worked at 'Devine Style' which was a small shop that had few employers. We were part of a bigger brand called Devine. It was basically split into the different things young adults and people who were renovating their house would need to buy. 'Devine Style' sold interior items and furniture. It was just around the corner from a small coffee shop. I pulled into the parking lot at 7:19. Oh well. At least I got there, right?

As I entered the building many people nodded at me in greeting and I took off my sunglasses and smiled. I went into the lift which Alex happened to be in. He was a nice guy but, no offense to him, he was very attractive. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy too but, he seems to act like he is the sexiest person alive. I smiled at him as I entered and only expected a smile back but he greeted me properly.

"Good morning Miss Thompson, how have you been?" He asked.

"You too Mr Robertson. I've been-" I started but was cut off by him. 

"Actually, it's Mr Hawkesbury now." He said Pointing to a ring on his ring finger. What?

"Oh, you took you're wife's name instead, huh?" I asked, not thinking at all.

"No, I took my husband's instead." He answered. Oh. A.W.K.W.A.R.D I instantly felt annoyed at myself and guilty, not for just saying that, but also for thinking him as attractive.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" I started.

"No, no. It's alright, I get it all the time." He answered just as we arrived at his level. Thank God. "Well, I'll see you around Miss Thompson."

"You too! Have a good day." I said with an awkward smile as the doors closed.

The whole day was hectic and I didn't have a chance to have any lunch. When I arrived home, I just greeted Mum with a groan and slumped down on the couch beside her. She was watching T.V. with Jake.

"Aww, what's the matter sweetie?" Mum asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"Today was hectic." I informed her as I was practically sitting next to Jake on Mum's lap.

"Aww, well go have a quick shower and you'll feel better, trust me. It's like all the badness of the day gets washed away." I nodded and went to go have a shower. I stripped off my clothes and when the warm water hit my soft skin I smiled. Mum was right, Mum was always right. 

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