14.2. Phiona

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"Hello Liran. I have performed a diagnostic and I appear to be functioning within normal parameters. How may I help you today?"

Liran laughed. "Do you know how long it's been since you saw me?" he asked.

"Yes, I do, Liran. I saw you last one thousand, four hundred and sixty-six days ago. Why have you come back, Liran? And who is this man?"

"Ayah," Liran answered, looking down at his feet, his belly was a ball of nerves. He licked his lips, "This is Akim, and he's... an officer of the Guardian's Praetoria. He works for Brother Silas."

There was a pause, and then Phiona said, "I understand, Liran."

Liran gulped. Did she? Did she understand? "I'm so sorry, Phiona, but I must surrender you to Akim."

"I understand, Liran."

Liran felt tears form in his eyes, as relief flooded into him. Why did she understand? Could she really understand? "Did you know this would happen?" Liran asked.

"The possibility was great."

Liran's chest felt hollow, certain that he must have made a big mistake. He considered the future—the consequences of his choice. Had it been his choice, or had fate brought him here? He felt a movement of great forces that were so powerful, and so mysterious, like he was caught up in an quagmire of clashing currents. If he surrendered to the current, where would he end up?

Akim coughed, breaking a somber silence.

Liran continued, "I bargained with Brother Silas. I'm trading you for my life. They want you. They want the information inside of you. They think you have Adell's missing memories."

"I understand, Liran." Phiona's lights pulsed slowly, indicating she was thinking. "I would gladly give myself over to Brother Silas in exchange for your life. However, I believe that you have been deceived. I believe that neither Brother Silas nor Akim have any intention of keeping their end of the agreement."

Liran frowned and looked over at Akim. "What do you mean?" he asked Phiona.

Akim backed up, his eyes wide.

"I have been monitoring Akim's breathing, pupil dilation and cognitive activity since you arrived. He is extremely anxious, and has high levels of cortisol and adrenaline. I believe he means to deceive you."

Liran glared at Akim, whose face betrayed his guilt.

"I... that... it pretended it was performing a diagnostic!" Akim yelled.

"That is correct, Akim. I am capable of performing a diagnostic on one half of my brain, while using the other half for sentient awareness. I was using that time to make a connection to the Net, and have now downloaded all of the news surrounding the rebellion and what has happened to Adell. Simultaneously, I made contact with Jennifer Baxter—she is on her way here. All the while, I was also monitoring your conversation with Liran and I now believe with 84% certainty that you intend to deceive Liran."

"I knew it!" Liran yelled, balling his hands into fists, glaring at Akim. His heart was full of fury.

Akim looked at Liran's fists, and backed away. He pulled out his weapon. "Liran, you knew all along this wasn't going to work out like you thought."

Liran realised he needed to get Phiona—Akim wouldn't shoot if it risked Phiona. He backed up, moving closer to her.

Akim screamed "Don't move!" and blasted the rocks right beside Phiona, making Liran stop short, as rocks flew into his face. "Don't move," Akim repeated, pointing his weapon and backing up slowly to the mouth of the cave. He peered outside.

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