New Parts Coming Soon

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Had a pow-wow with my friend last night about what to do with Dark Star. I'm going to be completely honest with you readers. There are two things going on: 

1. I'm afraid of posting the rest of Dark Star. I'm afraid because I want to publish it one day and it looks like a lot of publishers don't like it when you post your stories to Wattpad. Also, there have been countless thefts of writing from Wattpad -- books that end up repackaged on Amazon. 

2. I'm not really working on Dark Star these days. I'm working on a big overhaul edit of Awaken (the first book in the series) to submit to publishers. So I really don't have time to edit all the posts I've already written (and there are a LOT -- the first rough draft of the story is basically finished). 

Okay, having said all that, I do understand that I made a kind of contract with you guys -- to finish the book. You've been such a great inspiration for my writing, and I knew when I signed up to Wattpad that perhaps my work could get stolen, and perhaps publishers wouldn't like it. So these aren't good excuses for not finishing. 

After mulling it over with my friend, I decided the best course of action is to finish posting Dark Star, BUT (there is a but) it's going to be a very rough draft version, with no edits, no polishing, and probably it's going to suck because of that. This also makes me nervous, but wtf! I have to do it!

I'm going to start posting again in the next few days. I've got lots of posts lined up. The novel is almost finished. So expect regular updates coming soon. However, don't expect spectacular writing. Expect really mediocre writing with lots of flaws, and probably some huge plot holes that I'm not even going to bother trying to fill. It's actually embarrassing, but this is my compromise, basically. 

Going to pump these out quickly and get this story to you. 

So, see you soon. 

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