The interview 3 ( FAILS again =_=)

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Author (after calming down ): Hey readers! Today we will be doing the interview again^^ Hope there will be no distraction( glares at the brothers )

Ayato: Tch. We will be cooperating just because I don't want a flood of tears flooding our house again.

-Author pretends not to hear Ayato the brat -

Author: ok the question is : What would u wish for if u had one wish?

Shu: To sleep all day with no worries of dieing of hunger because of lack of blood.

Reji: Become a Scientist.

Ayato: A king to stop the Author from holding the interviews.

Author: Oi! I do it because of the fans of u vampires ok?! Do u think I want to do this with you the brat?!

Ayaoto: oh yeah ?! Well we don't want to do it and the fans can help us by giving us their blood!

Author: Do you think we are blood banks?! You selfish vampire! You can help me by cooperating!

Ayato: We are! You are the one who is getting all unappreciating and demanding!

Author smacks Ayato in the face and walks away.

Reji: *sigh * I guess it was a fail again. Great work Ayato for making Author angry. Bye readers.

Laito : Awwww I didn't even get a chance to talk~ Still, I love you fans out there~ Continue to support me!

Diabolik lovers × Reader [ Oneshots,Interviews, Scenarios And Lemons^^]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora