When you are on your period.

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       "Owwww...ugh!" You were laying on your bed groaning in pain. Your stomach was cramming really badly."(Y /N)?" Shu opened the door. He saw you crying in pain. He rushed towards you. He smelled a strong scent of blood in the room and understood what was going on. He sat on your bed and started rubbing your stomach to ease a little of the pain.
        "Reji! Do you have the anti stomach cramp drink? Ugh!!! I need them RIGHT NOW!" You screamed. He opened the door and said, "( Y/N), it's bad manners to scream. I shall punish you. The medicine is on your dresser." "SHUT UP! I don't give a bloody damn about manners! Just pass me the drink! I will punish you instead of you punishing me!" You screamed again and threw your pillow across the room. Reji sighed. There was nothing he could do other than follow your instructions while you were in this state.
           "Hey (Y/N),did you get hurt? I smell a strong scent of blood." "NO! I AM ON MY PERIOD BAKA!"  You were not in a good mood as your stomach was cramming. You started throwing and flipping everything in the kitchen to find your supply of takoyaki that you bought yesterday. " Hey Ayato, did you see the takoyakis that I bought yesterday? Ayato scratched his head and said softly," I ....sorta..ate all of them yesterday. He...he.." "WHAT?! I TOLD YOU THAT WE HAVE TO DIVIDE EQUALLY. BASTARD!" You shouted, crying. He stood there afraid of what you would do next.
         " Laito, y-you don't want me anymore right?" You solved. "Why would you day that Bitch-chan?" "I told you I am not a bitch! You were looking at some other girls at the park!" You were now crying. Laito sighed and hugged you. You were a total emo during your period.
             "(Y/N)-chan, I bought you soda." Kanato said cutely. " Thanks Kanato." You said. You were very tired and was now lying on the bed. Kanato was very caring and considerate whenever you were on your period and he would not drink your blood as he understands that you were losing a lot of blood. You found him sweet and cute!
              He was currently feeding you your anti stomach cramp drink from Reji. The taste was horrible. "Subaruuuuuuu, I don't want to drink this!" You whined. "No (Y/N), issue how my brothers girlfriend acted when they were going through this. I want you to be a happy and cheer person like you are." He said. " But I am not happy to drink thissss! Only if you give me a k.i.s.s! " You said smiling. "Tch! So troublesome!" He gave you a peck on the cheeks and blushed. You giggled as he continued to feed you the medicine.

Yassss. Finally omg. I feel like nothing can stop me!!! An update oooooooo.

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