Subaru x reader

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You were currently fighting with your boyfriend Subaru over your relationship with Yuma, your best friend.
Your POV:
"What do you mean I'm too close to Yuma?! He is my friend! You are so sensitive!"I shouted at Subaru. " I'm sensitive?! I'm your boyfriend! Its natural for me to be worried! Especially when you hang out with him more than me!" He shouted and punched the wall. "Ugh!" I stomped out of the mansion.
~Timeskip to evening by Shu~
      Where am I suppose to go? I can't go back to the mansion. It would be awkward. Maybe I will go to Yuma's place.
~At the Mukami mansion ~
"(Y/N)! Why are you here?" Yuma exclaimed. "I sorta fought with Subaru... Can I stay overnight?" "Sure!I will show you your room." He showed me the room and we started chatting. " What?! Subaru fought with you over that?" Yuma exclaimed when he heard about my argument with that idiot. "Ya... Maybe I overreacted..." I said. "No of course not! Your reaction was what everyone would have done. Its Subaru's fault. He shouldn't have done that. If it was me , I would have never suspected you with your friend's relationship. Maybe you know...breakup with him? He is not worth it. I will treat you better if you were my girlfriend." Yuma stated. "Eh? I'm happy with Subaru... I'm sorry Yuma, but I love Subaru." Then Yuma suddenly pinned me down. "Why can't you just notice that I like you (Y/N)?! I have always liked you ever since we went on that school trip when we were in 4th grade! Just when I had mustered up my courage to tell you, that jerk stole you away from me! But now I have you all to myself andi will mark you as mine! Let's see after he finds out that I have marked you, would he still love you." "N-No. Yuma, why are you doing this?! I only see you as a friend and nothing else!" "Hmph. After tonight you will never see me as friend again." Yuma said as he grabbed my collar and bit me down hard. I whimpered. " You like that don't you? I will give you even more pleasure." He started in buttoning my top as I struggled to break free. He was about to bite on my breast when he was sent flying onto the ground. I gasped because I saw a familiar vampire. It was Azusa. (Jk jk) It was Subaru. You started sobbing and ran towards him as Yuma was groaning in pain on the floor. "S-subaru! Thanks! I'm sorry that I fought with you and I should have took your advice and stayed on guard." You were crying while hugging Subaru tightly like he was your last coin in your bank. "Don't apologise (Y/N). It was partly my fault that I fought with you. If I did not fight with you, nothing would have happened." Subaru said softly as he stroke you hair.
     After that incident, you never talked to Yuma again and you and Subaru were more loving and understanding towards each other.

Whew! Finally! I'm sorry if you guys were hoping for a lemon to happen with Yuma. At first I wanted to write that but then I felt that it would be unloyal to poor Subaru. So ya. Also my phone broke and this phone cannot connect to my house WiFi. FML. I will be updating once in a blue moon. Lol jk. I will be more active after my exams and hope my dad will get me the new iPhone 7 because this phone srsly sucks ;-; OK thats all! Remember to vote and comment!

Diabolik lovers × Reader [ Oneshots,Interviews, Scenarios And Lemons^^]Where stories live. Discover now