ShuXReader (Birthday)

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Today is a very special day, it's our oldest Sakamaki' birthday! I've been planning a huge surprise party for him and after many negotiations with the other vampires in the house, I've got them to cooperate with me. Now, I have to play chess Reji twice a week (since no one has the patience for some lame o' chess), plan a prank with Ayato on Reji( which I'm thinking will lead me to more chess playing and possibly a lifelong lecture), compliment Laito everyday for 2 weeks (-.-), go doll hunting with Kanato and accompany Subaru during his training session. After finally getting everyone's cooperation, I gave out orders. Reji would be incharge of ordering the special model of piano that came out recently in the US, while the triplets go buy some decorations for the house although I highly doubt their taste, and Subaru would be going with me to choose the cake.
Luckily, Shu does not move around the house much and sleeps almost 24/7 so he wouldn't see us preparing the house. This year, I decided that the party shouldn't be the normal kind where we put up balloons and blast music. I learnt the hard way after I shouted in Shu's ear as an attempt to surprise him and he teleported away. I got a lecture from Reji and this year, it'll just be some cake and music. The biggest surprise for the party is going to be me playing 'Happy Birthday' on the piano which might sound basic but considering how I failed music classes until my music teacher gave me a pass so that she wouldn't have to see me the following year says a lot.
Finally, it was time. After much hassle, we managed to put the piano in place and the decorations of soft white satin draped around the house, the cake ready on the table, all we had to do now is wake up sleeping beauty.
Of course, no one wants to take on the important role of waking up Shu so as the planner of this whole celebration, the brave (Y/N) shall do it! I slowly crept to his room and opened the door  slowly, not to scare away the princess, I meant Shu, since we wouldn't want him to teleport away again would we? He was sleeping in a corner soundly, so I took light steps and approached him. This time, I shook him lightly and whispered, "Hey Shu, wake up!" No reply. I tried again, this time shaking him a bit harder. No reaction. I decided to go for it and shook him hard and shouted, "WAKE UP!" He opened one eye slowly, and stared at me. I held his shoulders tight, making sure he wouldn't teleport away. He looked annoyed and I immediately put on a huge smile and my face and said, "Happy Birthday Shu!". This time, he opened both of his eyes and looked at me, but remained expressionless. Oh well, not that I expected him to hug me tight and confess. At least he's still here right? I grabbed his arm and led him down to the living room, where the others were waiting. Ayato was the first to notice us. "Well look! It's sleeping beauty making his grand debut!" Ayato said in a mocking tone. I shot daggers at him as a motion for him to SHUT THE FUCK UP. As I brought Shu to the table where the cake was, the brothers stood around. With Shu in the center, I quickly went and sat down in front of the piano. I took a deep breath and was ready to play when suddenly a voice mocked, "Oh shit, it's tone deaf (Y/N) pressing keys? Time for me to leave." Of course, it was the immature self-absorbed little brat, Ayato. I decided to not ruin the mood by stabbing him with piano keys and instead, ignored him and focused on the piano keys in front of me. I could feel the brothers' gaze on me while I was deciding if I should just teleport away and save myself some face, not that I could. Whatever, I thought to myself and pressed on the first key.
//piano music plays//
"Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Shu
Happy Birthday to You~"
As I played the last few notes, and finally completing this masterpiece, I lifted my eyes and set my gaze on Shu. His deep blue eyes met mine and a slight grin appeared on his face. I smiled back at him and was elated to be able to squeeze such a reaction out of him, no matter how small it was. Laito broke the silence, by clapping, while the others continued to stare at me. I have a little bow, and walked to Shu. "Make a wish", I whispered. He closed his eyes... "Um, are you asleep?", I said in a small voice, looking at him, eyes closed. All of a sudden, Shu pulled me towards him and wrapped one of his arm around my waist. He slid my hair to one side and bit into my neck. I flinched and tried to pull away, but damn his strength was too strong for me. I could only stand still and let him continue sucking my blood. Cough. Probably came from Reji. Shu then pulled away and whispered, "Thanks (Y/N)".

HOLAAAAAAA IM BACK! Damn after every update I disappear longer. It's been Long since I came back to Wattpad to read, not to mention write. This book started in 2016 and it's been 4 years since I watched DL. Kinda rusty on each brothers personality and character so sorry if they were ooc at any part of this story. I suddenly thought of coming back to write a short story after seeing one of the anime accounts on Instagram wishing Shu happy birthday *^* then I checked I realised it's one day late but nvm that, when you readers read it's not going to be on the same day 🤣 I hope y'all haven't forgot about me like I have forgotten about this book oops. Am currently in the midst of my national exams and tomorrow is my English writing exams so this is a form of revising right? I hope everyone is doing fine and well right now with the pandemic going on and a few months more till we can finally say "goodbye 2020, hello 2021!" And I'll be like "new year,same me" lmao. And what's with the wattpad premium thing? Where did all my free offline stories go TwT. Alright time for me to teleport away and come back in a few years time 🤪

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