Easter Special: Egg Hunt Part 2

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We are back where we last end off while the hunt was getting started. Btw the orders are for comedy purposes so it will not make sense how the paper knows.

Author: Seems that Ayato and Ruki have found their first eggs. Let's see what the eggs ask them to do!

Ayato Egg 1: Do 15 jumping jacks. Go to Reji room to get the second clue

Ayato: That's so easy for me hmph. //Does 15 jumping jacks

Ruki Egg 1: Find Ayato in Reji room and slap him and find the second clue.

Ruki finds Ayato and slaps him. Ayato calls him a dick and kicks him. That's when Kanato walks in and finds the egg and Ayato steals the egg away from him. Kanato cries and start slapping Ruki.



Ayato Egg 2: Spin 3 times and go to Shu room to find the third egg.

Meanwhile, Laito and Subaru finds their first egg.

Laito egg 1: Go Shu room and tell Ayato he is sexy. You will find your second egg.

Subaru egg 1: Drink Soda and Burp loudly, after that go to Laito room and throw away his porn magazines. You will find the second egg.

Subaru goes in Laito room and finds alot of porn magazines. "WTF, THAT GUY IS CRAZY, WTF IS THAT A NUDE PHOTO OF ME?! He is so DEAD." Subaru blushes and runs out of the room.

-----SUBARU OUT------
Laito finds Ayato in Shu room and calls him sexy. Ayato stares at him dumbfounded while Laito takes his chance to take the egg from him and runs away.

Author: AYATO OUT. Wooooooooooo! //High fives Ruki and Kanato who are with her watching them hunt.

--SHU OUT -- he fell asleep on the hallway.

--YUMA OUT-- He carried Shu to his room where Ayato was.


Author: You are probably wondering why so many of them are out, cos I am lazy to write too much ahahahaha sorry ;,)

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