How they celebrate their birthday

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Shuu :
He's gonna sleep and not care. He will drag you up the bed and cuddle with you. You then kisses him on the forehead and say Happy Birthday to him.
He would set up the tea party with all kinds of tea. Ayato would then insult the tea and say it tastes like shit. That earns him a whack on his head and the duty of cleaning up after the party goes to him. You will give Reji the choice of having a tea set or you (Hehehe //wiggles eyebrows). He chose......

The tea set! He says that the tea set is worth of something unlike you >:( You kicked him and toss the tea set to him. As you were about to get out of the room, he walks up and kisses you and then everyone cleared out of the room and you both continued on to some stuff.
He would brag about his birthday and hints you that you are supposed to give him a present. In the end, you had to make him takoyakis and stick candles into it and sing the happy birthday song.

He would have a tea party like Reji expect that he has cake and milk instead of nasty tea. (Shhhh don't tell Reji) This time, you prepared a outfit that is identical for Teddy and Kanato.
Subaru :
Well, he didn't expect you to remember his birthday so he just stayed in the garden admiring roses. That's when you came up to him and gave him a new pair of scissors to trim the roses as you saw that his old one was blunt. He blushed and you pressed your lips onto his. "Happy Birthday Tsunbaru. " You whispered into his ear.

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