The Interview 5

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Author-Chan: Hey Readers! We are back with the brothers! Today's question is: Which animal would you want for a pet?
Shu: A quiet puppy, so that I can cuddle it when I sleep.
Reji: A pet is very troublesome. It drops fur everywhere it goes. It also needs cleaning and feeding. I prefer not to have a pet.
Author-Chan: Typical Reji... -_-
Ayato: I want a puppy that's active so that it can play with Ore-sama.
Laito: A cat maybe? I like it when it purrs~
Kanato: I want a real bear so that Teddy can have a Friend!
Author-Chan: Uhh, I don't think keeping a bear is legal nor is it safe.
Kanato: Then I'll have a rabbit. I can dress it up!
Subaru: Nothing.
Ruki: Too troublesome.
Reji: //mutters : wannabe...
Yuma: A dog like that Oreo-sama
Kou: A Neko! Neko! Neko! Neko! Neko! Nek-
Azusa: A.....monkey....monkey see monkey do..... it shall cut itself......
Author-Chan: 😅 okay, that's all for today!

HOLY WRITING! I found my notebook which I though I lost a few months ago. I found so much parts for updating since I wrote a lot last year :D It's 2018 now omg 😲 Hope y'all had a great new year and I'll shall see you guys in the next update (not literally see)

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