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Elliot's car


At lunch I was sitting with Zayn, Drew, Wason, and Jonas-'the guys' as I was going to call them-and got a call from a blocked number.

I looked at the guys, "I'll be right back." I went outside and answered my phone, "hello?"

"Elliot Sanders," a familiar voice said.

I smirked, even though he couldn't see me, "Miles Dust. Enjoying your time in prison?"

"Haha, you're so funny," he mocked and I chuckled.

"What do you want Miles? And how are you calling me?"

"I want you to meet a group of my men," he completely ignored my question on how he was calling me from prison.

"Why, exactly?"

"Because I know what you did, Elliot, and if you don't go, I'm going to tell everyone you know."

I laughed, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He chuckled, "you mean to tell me that you don't know why your mom was killed? Or what happened to Shawn?"

My face grew expressionless, my eyes and voice dark, "how do you know about that? Almost everyone that knows is dead and I know the remaining few."

"Not everyone," he laughed and told me where to meet his men.

I hung up the phone and stormed back into the cafeteria.

"You okay Ell?" Zayn asked.

I gave him a tight smile, "fine," I said through gritted teeth. "I need to go. See you guys later," I told them and left before they could say anything.


After school I went to place that miles told me to go to. It was an old, run down warehouse out in the middle of no where.
I walked in and found it dark with no lights on. I wasn't stupid and wasn't going to investigate. I turned to go back to my car when I was grabbed for behind.
I flipped the person over my head and punched them in the face. I heard someone behind me and swung around, throwing my fist at them. I punched their chest, knocking the air out of them. They quickly recovered and swung a punch, I didn't duck far enough and their fist connected with the side of my head. I stood up and and kicked him in the chest knowing he was still trying to breathe right again. He stumbled back and fell over.

I turned around and started for my car but there was a third guy with a blade in the way. This was gonna be fun.

He ran at me and swung the blade. I dodged it and grabbed his wrist that was holding the blade. He punched my gut and I stumbled back a bit releasing his wrist. He kicked my knee making it pop and crack. He swung the blade again and it grazed my cheek. I sucked in a sharp breath and kicked him with my right leg-the good leg-in the balls and he doubled over dropping the blade.
I sprinted-more of a fast limp-to my car and drove to Wyatt's.

Wyatt answered the door, took one look at me and quickly pulled me in. I gasped in pain and stumbled. I fell over and thankfully Wyatt caught me before I face planted the hard wood floor. My stomach was definitely bruised, my cheek stung like crazy, my head felt like someone just took a sledgehammer to it and my knee felt broken.
Wyatt carried me bridal style to his living room couch. I groaned in pain while he grabbed the first aid kit.
My phone started ringing and Wyatt answered, "she's over here Mr. Sanders." Pause. I groaned in pain. "Yes she has some wounds but I'm about to tend to them... Yes sir... You got Jonathan. Alright see you in a bit. Bye."

Wyatt hung up and tossed the phone aside. "Alrighty then. Now tell me what happened and where you hurt yourself...again."

"My heads pounding like someone took a sledgehammer to it, my stomach is definitely bruised, my knee hurts like hell, me cheek stings crazy bad, and I think that's about it."

"Ok stupid, hold in the screams."

I rolled my eyes at him as he applied some Neosporin to stomach and knee-thank his I had some extra shorts here to change into. He then gave me some aspirin for my headache and literally slapped a band-aide onto my cheek after applying some hydrogen peroxide. He wrapped my knee and told me to stay off it for awhile. I don't do so much as flinch. I mean sure I was in pain but this was child's play compared to the fights I normally get into.

"Thanks Doctor Wyatt. Knew you could do it."

He huffed and rolled his eyes. "Your welcome."

Wyatt then took me home and had to carry me inside and placed me on the bed. He hugged me, said bye, and walked out.

About 10 minutes later Zayn walked in. "Hey. You ok? You look pretty beat up."

"I'm fine Captain Obvious. I've been in worse situations. Almost died once," I thought back to the night I got in a gun fight with a gang. I pissed them off just because I beat the leader in an illegal driving race. "Huh. Oh well," I shrugged and got of my be and walked-well sort of-to the TV. I made sure my PS3 was hooked up to the TV correctly and turned it on.

"Hold up. You almost died once? What happened?" He looked concerned. Like maybe he should report this or something.

"That's a story for another time roomy," I chuckled at his scowl and put in Skyrim. I needed to burn some steam, who can think of a better way than slaying dragons? Well I mean I can but it wouldn't be very wise with my knee and all.

"You just gonna stand there and stare or are you watch me play or what?" I asked waiting for Skyrim to finish loading.

He walked over and sat down, "you gonna tell me what happened?"

"Dust's men but I took care of them."


"Zayn, what are you doing here?"

"Umm I live here."

"You know what I meant."

"Just wanted to check on you. Maybe hang our for a bit."

"What fun!" I said sarcastically.

"You know it."

Since Skyrim was taking forever to load and I didn't want Zayn to get bored-because when he got bored he got annoying-I took out Skyrim and put in Diablo 3 so we could both play and I would still be able to burn of my steam by killing my enemies.

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