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Once out of the HQ, which was a freaking mansion by the way, I led Drew and his family out to where I parked my bike.

"Now what?" Drew asked.

"How'd you get here?" I asked him.

"By my car."

"So take your family and go home. Put in some cameras or something and if anything happens, call me as soon as possible. It's not an option either, if anything, and I mean anything happens, you call me Drew. Got it?"

He nodded, "got it."


We heard a gunshot nearby. "Go! Now!" I yelled.

Drew ran away leading his family to his car. I ran back towards the house. I needed to finish this.

I ran back towards the mansion and threw one of the blades from my converse at the closest guy. It struck his chest right next to his heart and he fell over. I ran past him grabbing my blade and slashed the next guys throat as I went passed him.

I jumped through the window and flipped grabbing my guns from my things while in the air. I shot all the people I could see. I rolled on the ground when I landed, got up and ran.

It went on like this until I was backed into a corner by ten guys. They all stopped and I hear footsteps. The guys parted and guess who walked up?

"Miles Dust," I rolled my eyes, "how was your time in prison?" I smirked.

"Oh I was never in prison..."

"That's bull. And I know because of how you acted the last time I asked. Remember right after I made sure the police caught you and how many was it? Five, maybe six of your men," I smiled.

"I wa..."

"Oh I know what you're trying to do. Your trying to make sure that your men don't look at you with any less respect because you were caught. It sucks being a leader when you can't even lead. Tsk tsk," I said, shaking my head.

"And what would you know about being a leader of a gang?"

"Well first, this here, is not a gang. It's a group of bulky men who their so cool. 'Oh look I'm muscular and I'm a part of a gang. You should fear me.' Like we aren't cavemen people. And second, I know a lot about being the leader of a gang because I was one. Technically I still am."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I know of every gang in the US and I've never heard of the name Elliot Sanders." He spat my name, literally. He spit on my face and he's about 3 feet from me.

"Your an idiot. Good leaders wouldn't use their real names, that way they're less likely to get caught. Also don't spit on my face. If you're going to spit when you talk then step back a bit."

"I don't need a fake name. I don't get caught."

"Oh lose the arrogance. You've already been caught. Did you already forget? I mean we were literally talking about your capture like not even 2 minutes ago. Now tell me how the hell you got out?"

"I don't answer to you!"

"Kid you just did."

"Don't call me a kid. I'm older than you."

"You're still a child. Seriously you're acting like your twelve. Are you twelve?"


"So stop acting like it," I tried to cover my snicker but it was too hard. All the guys around us snickered too.

"What the hell are you laughing at?!"

"You're acting twelve," I laughed.

He glared at me and brought out a gun. He pointed it at my head. "Wanna keep laughing?" He raised his eyebrows at me in question.

I couldn't stop laughing. He pulled the trigger and I ducked, grabbing my black star I shot him in the head. His bullet hit the wall behind me and he fell over.

"Anyone else wanna try me? I mean you are all that's left."

No one said anything and they moved out of my way. "Now then. If I catch any of you doing anything I don't like, I won't hesitate to kill you." I said and walked out. I got back to my bike and my phone buzzed.

I pulled it out and answered it, "hello."

"Hey Elliot," Zayn said.

"Oh hold on," I grabbed my gun again and shot the guy that was running at me. He was the one that I threw my blade at earlier. "Ok. I'm good. What's up?"

"Elliot did you just shoot someone?"

"I don't think you want me to answer that."

"Elliot! What the hell are you doing?! Where are you?!"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I actually care about you!"

"Right," I drug out the word, "whatever. I'm at Miles HQ..."

"Your where?!"

"Miles HQ. Weren't you listening?" I rolled my eyes, "also I freed Drew's family. Oh and I took out almost the entire gang. Dust is dead too." I turned on my Bluetooth and put my phone it my pocket. I pulled my helmet on and drove home.

"You did what?!"

"Zayn! Chill the fuck out! I'd have to do it sooner or later. So I did it now. I needed to get my mind off things anyway."

  He stayed silent.

  I sighed, "look. I'm on my way home now. We can talk then."

  "Whatever," he was pissed.

  "Don't whatever me Zayn. I don't care that your pissed at me. I'm right around the corner so just give me like two minutes and then we can talk. Face to face."

  "Fine," he said and hung up.

  "Ugh," I grunted to myself. This guy was really pissing me off.

  I pulled into the garage and walked inside after saying to my dad.

  I walked up to my room and started laying my weapons out on a towel on bed. The blades still had blood on them.

  Zayn walked in and froze.

  "This talk will have to wait a little while. Give me twenty minutes and I'll be back." I grabbed my car keys and walked out.

  I went to the place I kept the chest of all my other weapons, put it in my car, and drove home.

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