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It's been a couple months since the incident with Shawn and swearing in the newbies, who I can't really call newbies anymore, sadly. Graduation is in three months and exams are next week. Zayn and I have been studying our asses off for at least a month for the stupid exams.

  "Alright I done!" Zayn slammed his book closed, "we've been at it for hours already! Let's go do something!"

  "What do you have in mind?" I asked, closing my book.

  He smiled, "I can think of a place. Come on."

  We walked out to his car and he drove us to a cliff by the ocean. It overlooked a forest that opened up to the sea. It was beautiful.

  "Wow," I breathed, "it's beautiful."

  "Oh don't go all soft on me," he joked. I smiled and sat down.

  He sat down too and for the longest time we say in a comfortable silence.

  "Hey Elliot?" He finally broke the silence.


  "Why did you tell Shawn to never come back? I know it's a sensitive subject and you don't have to answer, I'm just curious. I mean, you do love the guy."

  I thought about for a second, "I told him to never come back if he left because I knew that if he left now, I would see him coming in and out of my life...and I couldn't live with that. I love Shawn and I always will but sometimes you just need to let them go. And so I did." I single tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

  I looked up at him and saw that he had already been looking down at me.

  "I'm sorry Ell. If there's anything I can do to help, just know that I'm here. Your heart may belong to him but mine belongs to you, and I will do anything to help you."

I just cried harder at his words. They weren't hurtful or anything but they were kind and sweet and I knew that something was going to happen between us. Something special.


Zayn and I spent a couple hours on the cliff. We talked and played games and talked some more. Afterwards we went to the closest town and ate. We walked around a bit and found an arcade.

"Oh man! I love these things!" I shouted in excitement running towards the arcade.

"Why? They're stupid and lame," Zayn says.

"You ever actually play an arcade game?"

"I played pac-man when I was little."

"So has every other kid in this country. Ooh look Puzzle Fighters. Play with me," I inserted a coin into the slot and got ready to play.


"Zayn if you don't play with me I'll wake you up in a tub of ice," I warned.

  His face paled and he quickly got ready to play the game.

  I chuckled and started the game.


  After kicking Zayn's ass at arcade games for three hours we-well he-decided that we were gonna do something else. So we walked along the beach of the ocean for awhile and grabbed some food from the beach cafe.

"Alright here's one," Zayn said laughing, "what is something that roars but has no voice?"

  "Umm. A lion," I laughed. If you hadn't figured it out already we're trying to figure out stupid riddles while giving some stupid answers.

  "No. It's has no voice but it roars."

  "How about a..."

  No voice but it roars... I thought.

   "Ooh! A waterfall!" I yelled.

  "Oh finally! That took forever!"

  "Shut up it was only a couple minutes," I slapped his arm.

  "Couple minutes of torture."

  "Grow up ya big baby."

  "Never," he ran off into the trees.

  "Dear god. You gotta be kidding me," I groaned and ran after him.


  I found Zayn in a tree not to far from the edge of the forest. His foot almost hit me in the face he was swinging it and sitting on the lowest branch. The idiot can't even climb a tree.

  "So how do I get down now?" He asked staring at the ground.

  "Jump. It's about a five and a half, six foot drop. You'll be fine."

  "F-five and h-half to s-six foot d-drop," he stuttered in fear.

  "Oh my god," I slapped my forehead, "you gotta be kidding me!" I threw my hands in the air. "Zayn if you don't jump I'm going to pull you. That way, you will get hurt."

  "Ok ok ok! I'm coming," he blurted and squeezed his eyes shut before he jumped off the branch. He landed feet first and then fell on his face.

  I bursted into fits of laughter. "That's not funny, it fucking hurt," Zayn stood up and looked at me.

  "Aww is the wittle boy hurt?" I asked in a childish voice.

  "Yes! I think in bleeding."

  "It's probably just a scratch," I look up at him, wiping the tears for my eyes. "Oh god Zayn, are you ok?!"

  There was a slash that ran from the side of his eye down to his chin, blood spilling out of it and a short, pointed branch sticking out of it.

  "I'm feeling a little light headed," he breathed as he started to sway.

  "Zayn!" I ran and caught him before he fell, "Zayn stay with me. Please stay with me."

  I slung his arm over my shoulders and carried him out of the woods and to the ocean.

  "Help! Someone help me!" I shouted.

  A man ran up, "what happened?" He asked.

  Seemed friendly enough, I thought. "He jumped off a branch of a tree and landed on his face. Which was funny at first but then I saw his face. Can you help me carry him to my car please?"

  The man nodded and picked up Zayn. He carried Zayn and to the car and laid him in the back seat.

  I quickly thanked him and drove to the hospital as fast as I could. I ran into the hospital with Zayn slung over my shoulders.


  After Zayn was stable and woke up I walked into his room with his dad who I had called earlier. I talked to Zayn for a bit and the nurse told us that he just had to rest for a couple days and he'd be ok.
  On the way home I got a call from the gang. Someone's invading my territory and I don't appreciate it. I stopped at home to swap Zayn's car for my bike and left.

"What's happening?" I asked as I walked into the screen room. All over the walls were TV's showing traffic cameras and cameras inside of stores, restraints, etc.

"Nothing. They're doing nothing. They've been sitting at the table, doing nothing since they got here," Gordon said. He was my tech nerd and he's great at his job.

"Do we know who they are? Where they come from?" I asked as I walked closer to the screen.

"Not sure yet. We have facial scan running now."

I stopped behind his seat and looked at the group of people we had zoomed in on. "Holy shit. I know who they are." I quickly ran out the door and to my bike.

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