25 (Last Chapter. Sorry)

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Remember that time when I said I hate warehouses, like with a burning passion? Ya well guess what...

I. Fucking. Hate. Warehouses!! They're annoying, musty, and full of rats. Like who the hell would even Want to be in a warehouse?!! Crazy people! That's who!!

I pulled up in front f the warehouse and looked around, "I hate warehouses," I mumble as I walked to the door.

I pulled out my two hand guns and had my men open the door before I walked in. The first thing I noticed was the sounds of clanging metal, like a sword fight. I started towards the sound and traded my guns for my swords.

I kicked open the door the room the sound was coming from and had my men surround the people fighting. I walked closer and saw Dexter (FINALLY!!) and some other guy.

"So you finally found me? After all these years," Dexter said.

"Ya, guess I did. But hey, I had fu chasing my prey," I smiled evilly, "besides it gave me time to build up my anger and make you want to suffer longer before I kill you," I shrugged.

He chuckled darkly, "and why do you think that you've caught me? Cuz you have me surrounded?! Well news flash Sanders! You underestimate me!"

"Nope, not at all. I guessed you'd have your place filled with men and traps and what not. So on the way here I sent a couple of my men to get yours and disable the traps. Now the only ones left are in this room. Which by the way, nice trip wire," I commented as I cut it.

His face paled, then he regained his composure and smirked, "well then. I challenge you to a duel."

"Challenge accepted," I laughed.

Shawn grabbed the guy that was previously fighting Dexter while I got into position. Dexter stated te fight by running straight at me and swung his sword. Now I'm a duel weilder, meaning I use two swords, so I easily grabbed his sword with my swords as twisted flipping him into his back. Before he could get up, I punched his stomach then his temple and he blacked out. We tied him up and took him and his friend to our prison, at the mansion.

Once he woke up, I made him suffer for hours, slowly cutting off his fingers and toes and limbs, one at a time so he can fell what it's like to loose everything that you have/had. Everything except his ears and his eyes. Then I let him bleed to death on the floor and walked away.

I went to Shawn and Zayn, who had stayed in my office while we were out, and said that I wanted to go home. Once we reached home I showered and turned on some movies with Shawn, Zayn, Max(Zayn's dad), and my dad. For once, my life was perfect. I didn't need to worry about the gang or school. Just my family and my movie. Paradise.

I got over my past and never went back. Nobody else from my past showed up and eventually I went to college. Shawn went with me and after college he proposed. Course I said yes and my life stayed happy and perfect for as long as I can remember. I know that my life sucked before college, I know that people are horrid things and that horrid things may happen to you. But lemme tell you, it gets easier. Just go with it and follow your heart and it will take you where you need to go.

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