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  I went back to my bike and drove to Miles' HQ. When I got there I found the door already open ajar.

Now I know I really shouldn't walk in. Nothing good ever happened to people if they walk into an unknown room when the doors open a bit.

So I walked in. I snuck up an found two lazy ass guards playing cards on the table by the door.

"Hey there," I said and pointed my two swords at their throats. "Move and I'll slit your throats. Now. Tell me. Whose in charge around here while Dust is gone?" I gave a devilish smile.

  One guy gulped, "b-beast," he choked out.

  Who the fuck is beast? I thought.

  "Where is he?"

  They both pointed in the direction I needed to go, "d-down t-the hall a-and and t-the third d-door t-to y-your right." The other guy said.

  "Thanks," I grinned and lightly slashed their ankles.

  I walked forward and stopped when I heard a familiar voice. I hid stood in the shadows where they couldn't see me and listened.

"Did you deal with her yet?" I heard a familiar voice but it sounded like it was over a phone. It was Miles Dust.

I peeked over the corner and saw that it was clear. I walked closer to the voice and stood face to face with a door.

"No sir. But I think she's onto us," I heard another voice that also sounded familiar but I couldn't place a face. I cracked open the door and snuck inside.

"What do you mean? She can't be. She's just a stupid bitch that's held back by her insecurities. She'll never be even close to us. We'll always be ahead, no matter what she says," Dust said.

"I just thought..." The other person was Drew. Which in honesty I was disappointed. I actually kinda liked him, he's a good guy. Nice friend. Well not anymore.

"Well you thought wrong!! Now deal with her! Get rid of her before anything else happens!"

"You know, I really think you that guys need to think through this again. Cuz in pretty sure in onto you. Hell in more than onto you. I've found your HQ, I've got in, I'm even in the room with the two leaders of this 'gang' or whatever you call it," I said, "you guys should really up your security."

"How did you get in?" Drew asked.

"Oh it wasn't that hard. I just walked in, asked some questions, got some answers, slashed some ankles, you know, the usual," I smiled.

"Huh she..." Drew started.

"But I do have one question," I looked at Drew in the eyes and pointed my blade at his throat, "what are you doing here?"

"That's not your business!" Dust snapped.

"Oh but I think it is Dust. You see, Drew here is someone I used to call a friend. Really he was up until now. I just don't understand why such a nice person would be caught up i... Unless. Oh unless..." I started contemplating my thoughts.

"Unless what?!" Dust yelled.

"Unless he's being forced to be here. Drew I've never met your family. In fact, you don't even speak of your family. Now, why is that?"

"They're being held as captives," Drew mumbled.

"They're what? Can you speak a little louder."

"They're being held as captives!" Drew shouted.

"Ahh there it is. The truth. Drew doesn't want to be here. But he has to be here. Because if he leaves his family will get killed," I was walking circles around him by now.

"What are you talking about?" Dust scoffed, "that's a lie! He..."

"Shut up Miles!! I'm not talking to you right now! I'm talking to Drew," I smile at him, "Drew where is your family right now?"


"Good, good. Bye-bye Miles," I hung up the phone, "take me to them."

He led the way down to the basement. They literally have a small dungeon set up. It's actually kinda cool.

"Mom, dad, Anna?" Drew asked.

"We're here," I'm guessing it was his mom that said that.

"Hey," he stopped in front of their cell, "this here is Elliot. She's going to get you out, ok?"

They nodded. "Where's the keys?" I asked.

"You can't use a key to open it." Drew said.

"Then how the hell do you open it? Please enlighten me," I asked sarcastically.

"It needs Miles' eye."

"It's a scanner?! God Drew! You could've told me that earlier!"

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"No it's ok. I can still get them out. It's just going to take a lot of work and the alarms are going to go off."

"I can handle the alarms. You just open the door and I turn off the alarms." He ran back upstairs.

"Alrighty then. I'm going to need very one to stand as far away from the door as possible."

They quickly moved away.

I started running my fingers along the cage, "huh wow. Four inch steel. And I can't shoot if, that wouldn't help at all. I have to give Dust some credit, he really thought this througbh. It'd be really hard for someone, really anyone, to get through this. Good thing I'm not just anyone."

I swung my leg in a round house kick having my foot smash into the scanner. I then karate kicked the center of the door. The hinges squeaked and the door bent. I slid on my leather gloves that had small steel plates on the knuckles. I punched my area where the door and scanner met. The door gave way and opened.

"Ah perfection," I studied my work, "alright. Out you go."

They stepped out and thanked me.

"Come on we gotta move. And fast."

We ran down the hallways as I led them back upstairs and to the room I first saw Drew in.

I heard the emergency alarms go off, "shit," I mumbled.

I went to closest door and led Drew's family inside. There were three guys in the room. They all looked at us. I stepped in front of the family and got into a fighting stance.

The guys burst into fits of laughter. "A girl think she can fight us," one guy said.

"Think? I know I can. Rule #1 of fighting, never underestimate your oppenent." I smirked and swung my fist at the closest guy. You could hear the wind whoosh as my fist collided with his face. He fell to the floor. One down, two to go.

The other two guys stopped laughing and got into fighting stances. Too late.

"Close your eyes and cover your ears!" I commanded to the family. They did as told.

The two guys lunged at me. I ducked, sprinted to the other side of them, turned around and pulled out the guns that were on my thighs. I pointed at their heads.

I shot the two as fast as I could before they could do anything to Drew's family. I moved all the guys to one corner and told the family it was ok to look and uncover their ears. The dad quickly swept up Drew's little sister into his arms and turned so she couldn't see the dead guys on the floor.

We waited until all the footsteps past by and then I led them out.

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