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"Those who didn't complete it in time line up! All of you!" I shouted, "you will all run this until you get it under ten minutes and then you will run it until you get it under five! Got it?!"

They nodded and stood in line. "Good... Now run losers!"

  They sprinted, well they did as best they could, off into the course and I started the timer.


  Everyone was sprawled on the floor and breathing hard. They've been training for hours and it was close to eight at night.

  "Tomorrow. You'll be running laps...until you drop. So have a goodnights rest and eat," I ordered, "be here by ten. Jacob is going to train you tomorrow though. And you better fucking listen to him cuz even though he won't kill you, I will. Understood?"

  "Understood," they all breathed.

  "Dismissed." I walked into my office and went through my chest of weapons. I pulled out a small dagger and hand gun and took them home.

  I pulled up in front of my house and walked in the door. The house seemed quiet, weirdly quiet. I got in a ready stance and slowly searched the lower floor. I got to the living room and froze. I wasn't scared but what I saw was not what I was expecting.

  I started laughing and I almost dropped my blade as I fell over on the floor. My dad, Zayn, and Max were all tied up and had duct tape over their mouths-really the stuff doesn't work, you can get it off easily. Shawn was off to the side and tied to a chair. A girl stood behind them with a really dull blade.

My dad have me a weird look since I was still laughing my ass off. "Ok," I slowed the laughing, "I don't know who you are but I'm sure you know who I am considering you've got my family tied up and obviously waiting for me. So tell me. Who are you?"

"Abigail Dust. You killed my brother," she said.

"I've killed a lot of people, your going to have to be more specific," I said. I knew she was talking about Miles, I just wanted to see how far I could push her.

"Miles! Miles Dust! You killed him!" She pointed at me.

"Oh ya. Dust! Duh. Miles kept messing with me and getting in my way. Apparently sending him to prison wasn't enough," I shrugged, "what's your point?"

"I want payback."

"That's nice. Wanna be a little more specific?"

"I want him," she pointed to Shawn.

I looked over at Shawn and he gave a slight nod. I looked at Zayn and he nodded, same as my dad, and Max. A devilish grin slowly made it's way up my face, "ok. Take him."

"Wait really? Why's going on here?!"

"Nothing. I'm just giving you what you asked for."

Shawn shot out of seat and ran at her. He tackled her and went to the next guy. I walked over to Abigail. "Having fun?" I asked.

"Oh just tons," she answered sarcastically.

I put away my blade and picked up hers, "you know your blade sucks. It's really dull and worn out. The least you could do is polish the handle and sharpen the blade," I said.

"I don't care about your opinion. It was only meant to scare you."

"Well it's not gonna scare me when I can see how dull it is from across the room, one. And two, I have my own blade and a hand gun."

"You have a gun?"

"Yep," I pulled out my gun and showed her, "a gun. It's actually a pretty bad gun, it's a little too slow and a couple ounces too heavy for my liking. But my favorite one is upstairs. I would go get it but your men are in the way."

There were four men standing behind me, all ready to pounce. I looked up at them, "hey guys."

I punched Abigail in the face and shot to my feet. I grabbed the fist that was coming at me and flipped him. I punched another guy in the face and elbowed him in the gut.

It went on like this until all the guys were passed out and tied together. I tossed them out front and called the cops. Told them a fake story and went to bed.


I woke up to see it was still dark outside. I checked the clock and it read midnight. Great. I looked to my right and saw Zayn and Shawn, who was on my left, had his arm protectively around my waist and pulled me close to him. I froze, Zayn?

I poked him and his eyes fluttered open, "what are you doing here?" I whispered.

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"My cousins showed up and took my bed, so I came in here took a third of your bed."

"Oh great. I was sleep talking."

"Hmm. I don't care. Good night."

"Ya whatever." I heard him snoring and I scooted closer to Shawn. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up to two little kids jumping on my bed. I pried my eyes open and quickly closed them. The curtains were open-I never open my curtains-and the light was bright as hell.

"Wake up wake up wake up!!" They shouted.

"You two are really annoying," Zayn muttered.

"You love us anyway," the girl said.

"Ya," the boy agreed.

"Oh ya?" Zayn said.

"Ya!" They shouted.

He sat up and grabbed them both. He swung them a bit and lightly tossed them on top of me and Shawn.

"Zayn you a..." I elbowed Shawn to get him to shut up, "what was that for?" He whined at me.

"There are little kids in the room. I will not have you curse in front of them," I growled.

"Someone's not happy," Zayn said.

"Why are you not happy?" The little girl asked me.

My eyes softened as I looked at her, "I'm just not a morning person. I strongly dislike mornings."

"Oh ok!" She jumped on the bed again.

"Now you two run along. We'll be down in a minute," Zayn said.

"Ok," they jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

"God I fucking hate mornings," I muttered, "so those are the cousins who took your room?" I asked Zayn.

"Nope. Those are the little ones, Jane and Tommy. The one who took my bed was Courtney and her boyfriend. Who I haven't met yet."

"Ooh this will be fun. Come on I can't wait to meet your family. Maybe they can knock some sense into your head." I got up, pulling Shawn with me and shoved him in the bathroom. I threw a set of clothes at him and then walked into my closet and closed the door.

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