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  I was racing down the road, chasing the van that had the guy I loved in it. I will not rest until he is safe with me.

  I lost sight of the van in the traffic after an hour of chasing. So I went home.

  I walked up to my room and changed into clean clothes but still my "work" attire of black tee, leather jacket, dark ripped jeans, and boots with my hair pulled back in a high ponytail. I placed blades into my boots and I put a hand gun in my waistband. I grabbed my two swords and hid them in my jacket. I pulled my hood on and grabbed my bike keys.

I drove to the gangs mansion and stormed in. I went straight to the main office and bust through the doors.

"Boss! What a surprise!" Jacob jumped at my entrence.

  I looked around and saw a bunch of kids I guessed wanted to join along with all the guys of the gang. All but one of the new kids looked scrawny and weak.

  "I don't care what's going I right now. All I care about is what I need you guys to do," I pointed at the guys of the gang.

  They all sat up straighter waiting orders. "The gang is run by a girl?" One kid asked in disgust.

  My head snapped in his direction and I narrowed my eyes, "you gotta problem with that?" I snapped.

  "Ya I do. I don't listen to no one, especially a girl," he spat.

  "Look kid. I couldn't care less what you think. But if you want to join my gang than you better fucking lose the attitude towards me. Cuz kid you're a scrawny, weak, piece of junk in my way and I'll be damned if you ever speak to me that way again. I'm gonna whip you into shape, all of you," my eyes roamed the newbies, "and if you can't handle my words now then get out. I've got more important things to do."

  There were about two dozen kids there and three walked out. "I don't need to have authority and I'll be damned if I let some girl haw any over me," the kid spat.

  In one swift movement I pinned the kid to wall with one of my swords against his throat. "You wanna repeat that?" I spat. Just in case you haven't figured it out, I'm fucking livid. And this kid isn't helping my mood.

  He shook his head vigorously and gulped. "What's your name kid?" I asked.

  "The name is Bond, James Bond," he said in a horrid British accent.

  "Oh so you're not only a stereotypical douche but a cocky, smartass. Wow what a catch," I say sarcastically.

  I heard a chuckle from behind me and snapped my head to the person who was smirking in our direction. "And who might you be?" I pointed my other blade at him. He was the only one who didn't look like all weak and scrawny. He had a pretty nice build and looked all around intimidating, not that it affected me.

  "The name is Jones, Adrien Jones," he said sarcastically.

  "Well Adrien I like you," I turned back to the kid I had pinned, "now who are you again?"

  "Zack. Zack Higgins," he said proudly.

  I released him, "well Higgins, if you want to stay, stay. But I have one condition or I will kick your ass to the curb so fast you won't even know what hit you. My condition is that you will treat and talk to me with respect."

  "And if I don't abide by your condition?" He pushed.

  "If you don't, you might wanna run and hide as fast as possible because I will fucking hunt you down and kill your ass in front of your family. Got it?!" I snapped.

  "Got it," the kid was scared now. Good.

  I turned to Jacob, "I will personally train these weaklings. But first we have to do something about my friend. He was kidnapped and I chased the car but lost it in traffic. Dammit!" I punched the wall leaving a hole.

  "What do you want us to do boss?" One guy asked.

  "I want you guys to track down every fucking van in this damn town and the next three towns out until you find my friend. And I want it done NOW!"

  "Yes boss," they all scurried to do their work and I looked over at the group of kids that decided to stay.

  "Alright losers, here's how's it gonna go. We will train day and night until you are almost as good as me-"

  "Why not until we are as good as you?" Adrien asked.

  "Because no one can be as good as me. I've been doing this since I was 14. I became a gang leader at age 16. And right now I'm 18. I have motivation that I bet none of you slackers have."

"And what's your motivation?" Adrien.

"My dead mother, my supposed to be dead lover, my best friend, my dad, and all my other friends. What's yours?"

"I have nothing to motivate me. I'm a lonely orphan."

"How do feel right now?"

"I don't really have feelings."

"Just answer the question."

"I feel lonely, unwanted-other than by the cops, hated, guilty-"

"Stop. Why do you feel guilty?"

"For all the people I've killed to get where I am today."

"What do you do best?"

"Well I enjoy a simple brawl. No killing and I'm fine. I work really well with a computer too."

"Hmm," I contemplated this. This could be useful. "So here's your motivation. Take all the feelings that you have, all the guilt, hatred, and anything else except the loneliness and unwanted and wrap it into a ball. When you fight use that ball as your weapon. From now on, no one here should feel lonely or unwanted, your home is here. Being in a gang is more than just doing as you're told and killing and selling drugs-which by the way we don't sell drugs and we have purpose when we kill and if I catch you going against my orders I will not hesitate to kill you. But anyways. Being in a gang is being able to have somewhere to call home and people to call family. Without the feelings of a home and family this gang with crumble and die..."

"Boss I got something! You might wanna see this!" I hear from the other room. I rush over and look at the guys computer screen. It's showing live footage of people dragging Shawn out of the van and into a warehouse.

"Why is it always a warehouse?" I mumble in frustration.

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