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Elliot's POV

I awoke in my own bed. What the hell? How did I get here? I felt a solid weight on my waist and realized it was an arm. I turned my head and saw Shawn sleeping like an angel. The damn kid! I can never be mad at him for too long.

His eyes fluttered open, "hey beautiful," he whispered with a grin.

"Hey... Wait I'm still pissed at you."

"Ya I know. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone off like that and I shouldn't keep bringing up you and Zayn and your relationship. Wherever it stands..."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "I think you know where it stands."

"You didn't let me finish."

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's ok beautiful. Anyways I'm also sorry for eavesdropping. I shouldn't have done that. I should trust you and honestly I do. That's not why I eavesdropped. One I don't trust Zayn and two I'm jealous. You guys have a spark and it makes me feel like I'm in the way."

"No. Not at all Shawn. I told Zayn that I like him, cuz I do. But I can't be with him cuz..."

"Cuz you've already fallen for someone else."

I smiled, "exactly."

"I love you Elliot."

"I love you too Shawn. Now get up, it's almost noon and we need to go shopping."

"But I don't wanna."

"Then lead me to your place with all your belongings."

"Shopping it is."

I smirked, "that's what I thought."

"You're evil."

"I know," I grinned.

A knock sounded on my bedroom door and it opened," come on guys get up..." Zayn started.

"Zayn since when is it ok for you to just open my door?" I asked.

"Since I decided it was."


"Ya?" He smiled.

"Run," I smirked.

He sprinted down the hall and I jumped out of bed to chase him. He ran down the stairs and I jumped on and slid down the railing landing in front of him.

"Boo," I said.

He jumped not expecting me to be there. "Holy shit! Elliot you scared me."

"Exactly." I punched him in the gut. Not hard enough to leave a big bruise but definitely hard enough to leave a small one.

"Ow fuck! Damn woman! Where do you hide all the muscle?! Seriously I gotta know," he said in between breathes, "damn that hurt," he whispered.

"Next time don't mess with me. Or the rules of my room."

"You got it," he breathed.

I laughed and walked back upstairs. After getting dressed and eating food we were off to the mall.


"C'mon Elliot. We've been walking around for hours," Zayn whined, "I need food."

"You are such a baby. It's literally only been 2 hours," I rolled my eyes at him and smirked, "I mean for crying out loud Zayn. You're the captain of almost every sport at school and you spend hours each day practicing. Yet you can't go two freaking hours of shopping. What a wimp."

"I'm not a whimp!" He defended.

"Whatever. C'mon let's eat, and then we'll go home."

"Yay!" Both Zayn and Shawn cheered.

"Shawn, I can still take all that back," I warned.

He quickly shut up and sat down. We got a pizza and once we finished eating we went home.


"Alright newbies! Line up!" I shouted at the new recruits. After spending all yesterday with Shawn and Zayn, I decided I needed to get out and I knew I had to train the guys so here I am.

"For however long it takes I will whoop all your asses into shape. This will be the hardest thing you do in all your sorry ass, useless lives. You will learn teamwork and how to get the job done by yourself. By the end of the day if you're not on your knees trying to breathe then you will run the premises until you drop. Am I understood?" I glared at each an every one of them individually.

"Yes ma'am!" They shouted in unison.

"Good," I smiled devilishly, "I've set up an obstacle course out back. Your goal is to finish it in less than ten minutes."

"Permission to speak?" Jason asked.

"Permission granted."

"What if we don't finish it in less than ten minutes?" He asked.

Everyone groaned and some even face palmed thenselves. Jason tended to be the one to ask stupid questions.

"Then you do it again, and again, and again. You will do it until you get it right. Got it?"

He nodded his head vigorously.

"Good," I said, "everybody outside."

We walked outside and they all lined up on the side. "First four up front. Run it three times. Ready? Go!" I started the clock.

They had to sprint to the monkey bars, crawl through mud under a wire with guns firing above it, climb up a rope onto a ledge, run up a steep hill, slide down the other side while still keeping their balance, and repeat. They had to run it three times in less than ten minutes.

First up was Cody, Jason, Aaron, and Chance. They were ok, could be faster. Aaron finished a few seconds sly of ten minutes and everyone followed him a couple seconds in between each person.

"What was that?!" I shouted.

"That was the best I could do," Aaron said breathing heavily.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Well that was shit! You guys are gone do it again! Now stand over there! Next four!"

It went on like this until the last group which was made of five because of our odd number.

This group consisted of Zack, Adrien, Slone, Brice, and Lionel. "Before we start, I'd like to see you do it," Adrien said.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You heard me. You do it. I'm not doing it until you do it," he protested.

"Anyone else think so?"

Most of the kids nodded in agreement with Adrien.

"Alright," I smirked, "Adrien you watch the clock. Only I'm gonna change it a bit, my time limit is five minutes."

"Fine by me," he took my stopwatch and waited for me to get in place. I took off my jacket and nodded signaling I was ready and he started the clock and told me to go.

I sprinted through the course three times. I crossed the finish line and Adrien stopped the watch and looked at me. "Impressive," he nodded in approval.

Some stared in awe knowing they couldn't do what I just did. "Alright losers! In line!" I said grabbing the watch from Adrien, "and thanks to Adrien, you all have five minutes to complete it!"

All but Zack and Adrien groaned and stood in line. I started the clock.

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