Killing ropes

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"Listen, girl, behave!" the guy said to me when I was wrestling to get away from them. It was completely dark here and I didn't want to be here any longer. It was painting my mind with grey, which I didn't want. I fought hard to stay colored, and now they want to take that away from me?

"What do you want from me?! I don't even know you!" I yelled at the guy who was holding me. Out of nowhere a voice appeared. A voice that I had heard before. It was the guy that once was with Noah, who was even pointing a gun towards me.

"What the heck do you want?!" I yelled out. The guy just neared me and was laughing crazy.

"Are you sick in the head?" I asked him. Who the hell would laugh in such a situation? He grabbed my chin and looked at me with his black eyes that were so creepy. I immediately felt disgusted with his touch and wanted nothing more than to wash it off.

"We have seen you around Noah for quite a few times" he said. I turned my head to left and right to let him let go.

"And why is that any of your concern?" I said to him, not quite getting why it would matter to him.

"Because that means that you mean something to him" he said. Ah, I was getting what he was going at.

"It does or it doesn't. Its none of your business" I snapped. He then told a guy to chain me up which made me angrier.

"You being here will take Noah here, which is exactly what I want" he said, taking his gun out of his pants. He took a tissue out of the other and started cleaning it.

"It won't! Let me go!" I yelled, trying to get off the chair that I was chained too. I wasn't scared, but I didn't need this.

"I would be silent if I were you" he said, looking at me with a stern look.

"I'm not scared of you" I said while giving him one of my looks. He stood up and placed his chair near me. I backed my head to distance myself from him.

"You know, you could be a great worker for me. You aren't scared and you have courage. What do you say?" he said, looking at me with a weird look.

"Do you really think I would accept something like that?! Let me go, Noah won't come!" I yelled. We weren't on good terms with him and why would he come and put himself in danger?

"I promise, he will" he said with a confident voice. I looked around to see that it was so old and dirty so I assumed we were in an old building that is not in use anymore.

"What do you even want from him? Is this your gang or something?" I asked while looking at all the men that were surrounding us.

"What makes you think I would tell you?" he said back. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm involved, so it is my right to know" I said, trying to get things out of him.

"He killed my wife, his mother"



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