Chapter 4

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"Tell me do you think I'm dumb? I might be young but I ain't stupid" -Lips Are Movin by Meghan Trainor

"Your going to at least text me everyday?"
"Yes Marley"
"And if anything happens you call me first then Mum okay?"
"OH MY GOSH MARLEY!" Clarion shook my shoulders slightly "what? I just want you to be okay! It might be ten weeks... If I make it that far" Clarion gave me hug and ruffled my hair a bit "you'll be great and I'll see you in ten weeks okay? Do me proud Marls. Now go you'll miss your flight!" Clarion pushed me through the airport doors and with one final goodbye I was walked up to the check in desk.

Landing at the New York airport was simply terrifying in my eyes. Who would I be up against? Beautiful girls? Handsome boys? Talented people who were merely moments away from fame. Who was I to call myself an artist when I had no official training except taking music as an elective during school.

Who would I be?

Walking to the entrance of the airport I searched for the person who would be escorting me to the stage where everything would be beginning Searching for a few moments I saw a man wearing a suit holding up a sign saying: Marley Gate and made the obvious assumption that was for me. "Hello I'm Marley Gate and I think your looking for me" I tried to be as polite as possible but he was rigid and like a robot signalled for me to follow him.

He was perfectly civil and opened the door for me. "It will take at least an hour to get the stage so please prepare" his voice was like one of those automated voices you get on machines: scary but somewhat helpful. "Oh okay thank you" I hefted my suitcase onto the seat beside me and buckled myself in as the man started the car. I rummaged around in my handbag to find my phone and plugged in my headphones. Scrolling through my playlist I settled on Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons and begun to softly hum along to the song.

One Mumford and sons and of monsters and men album later we had arrived at the stage. "We have arrived" his voice had a hint of personality in it now but not much. "Thank you...?" I realised I had no idea what to call him "Jace Rosati" I politely thanked him and he escorted me inside.

The Florence Entertainment Centre, the place where Treble would be hosting its competition. "Wow" it was truly breathtaking in here and the centre was a cross between a typical stage room and a grand theatre and honestly I hadn't felt so happy standing there. Suddenly I felt a bump on my shoulder as someone passed me "ouch" I rubbed my shoulder as the force shocked me "sorry" the person turned to face me who was a very tall girl with a sour expression and her facial expression told me she was certainly not sorry. "Who are you?" She asked me sizing me up "Marley Gate, I'm from New Mexico" the girl did not look impressed "I'm Tallulah Saxon and that's a name best remember because I am a star and you well your not" and before I could say a word she was gone.

"Charming isn't she?" I turned around to see four boys who had obviously just arrived staring at me. "Um she's alright I suppose" the boy who spoke chuckled and held out his hand "I'm Mason Shipton and these are the Emeralds" Mason gestured behind him to the other three guys "oh your a band? How cool" I waved at the boys who waved back and then began to introduce themselves: Brody Miller (the guitarist and backup singer), Jack Huang (the bassist) and Ryan Perkins (the drummer). "I'm sorry I don't think we acquired a name?" Mason asked as he and I began to walk backstage, his band lingering behind. "Marley Gate"
"Like Bob Marley?"
"No? My parents were expecting a boy and were going to call him Marley but the name is gender neutral so..." The conversation was a little awkward because I didn't talk to boys much only Jesse so this was new but I actually liked it.

When we got backstage everyone was crowded around a board which had all of our names posted on it and across from our names were a bunch of numbers. "What's all this for?" I asked asked to no one in particular "room numbers for our hotel across the street. Instructions say to wait there until three to meet our mentors and the host." Some guy told me who found his name and number and then left. "Alright 307" I picked up my suitcase and began to walk across the street to the hotel which I didn't notice before.

Well I could end this with day with it's the start of an adventure internal monologue but honestly I don't do cliche. At least not for now anyway...

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