Chapter 17

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"This time, don't need another perfect lie. Don't care if critics ever jump in line" - Secrets by OneRepublic

When you meet new people, sometimes you expect to see them again, mostly you expect not to. You realise people enter and exit your life for different reasons and you may never know why because that's how life works.

But I never expected to see Ella again.

"Ella? Wow when you said you'd hope to see me soon hope didn't mean this soon" I laughed "well no but I did want to talk to you before you found out who I was related to... I'm Ella Shipton and well I guess you've gathered I'm Masons sister but I wanted to say I really admire that you put him in his place, not many people can do that." I was shocked and touched by her all at once, I did not peg her as Masons sister they seemed too different for me to even think it and I felt touched because she said such kind words to me about Masons actions.

I smiled at her and introduced her to Clarion who was quite happy to meet her. "Well well... we making friends now Ella?" Mason had suddenly intruded and I couldn't help but roll my eyes "Mason don't be rude, I was talking to Marley and Clarion"
"My sister" I sniped back and Clarion waved awkwardly because like everyone did, they knew the tension between Mason and I.

"Marley...we need to get ready" I ignored who was speaking but I listened to the words. The performance was for our family members, a private performance just for them like a unique gift. "Clary I'll be right back just... Just stay with Ella" I left her as we all began to trail onto stage. The judges had chosen for us to sing 'See you again' the heart felt song from Fast and Furious 7, although it was sad in nature it was beautiful and I sang it as best I could but I still felt that lingering sadness, I wanted Mason.

When we finished we were all let off to show our family and friends around. I chose to show Clarion the studio first where I seemed so spend every minute of my spare moment. "And this where I practise and compose the music" I flung my arms out in a Ta-da motion at the room: the large open room painted violet with the white grand piano in the centre, a recording studio just off to the side. "Wow this place is amazing, I can't believe you get to experience this everyday" Clarion stood there in awe as she went and gently touched the piano. "Have you seen or heard from mum and dad?" I asked because I certainly hasn't "yeah dad sometimes calls but mums hanging out with Bryan" Clarion spat out the name as our mums boyfriend was something we ignored totally and we liked it that way. "They should just get a divorce, we aren't children anymore I think we can handle it and besides we never see them anymore".

There was an awkward silence and I had a feeling I knew what would come next.

"Jesse and Iris-" I scoffed at the sound of their names which led Clarion to roll her eyes. "For heavens sake Marley! You stay friends with them and yet you hate talking about them... I get it I do but you and Jesse dated and what he did was terrible but you need to move on Marley ,your not happy..." I sighed because she was right but she only knew half of it and I didn't like to talk about it especially to her. I wanted to stay her inspirational big sister for a bit longer.

"What were you going to say Clarion? just tell me" I decided I would rather here from her than anyone else. "Well they are not impressed with you because you invited me and not one of them but that's just pettiness me. Also they've decided to live together instead of living in dorms next year..." I thought I might vomit and I actually could feel it but to save face I kept it down.

"Marley? You've gone really pale I know I shouldn't have told you-"
"It's fine . Come on I'll show you around" I grabbed her hand and dragged her outside.


We ended up hanging out with Ruth her her mum Ariel who was so lovely and Ruth was the splitting image of her.

Clarion obviously loved New York and I was happy about that because I was considering if everything with Treble I could stay here. It's not like there was anything for anything for me in Santa Fe anymore.

"Well well" while walking back to my room (dropping Clarion off at her room, a floor up) "Tallulah, can I help you?" I wasn't in the mood for this. "Well I just wondered how it feels being practically cheated on? I mean Mason apparently confessed how much he likes you and well we had so much fun after our date" she couldn't keep her smirk off her face and all I wanted was to slap her.

And I did.

She clutched her cheek in agony " you bitch!" She went to slap me but I grabbed her wrist "you'll never know what its like to be cheated on and I may hate you but god I hope you never do. The pain, the anger, the sheer embarrassment you feel afterwards. You'll pick every flaw about yourself and you'll cry your self to sleep every night and you'll feel so sick but nothing can fix it and I do mean nothing, so don't you dare call what you and Mason did cheating because it was certainly not"

I let go of her wrist and she looked at me stunned and I quickly unlocked my room and leaned against the door in defeat. I just admitted to Tallulah Saxon one the worst parts of my life and one of the hardest to cope with.

I was cheated on and I may never understand why.


WOAH! okay.

I hope that wasn't too predictable but wait there's more I promise. Marley has more secrets and hey maybe Tallulah might be nicer to her now she seen this side of Marley.

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