Chapter 27

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"Wish we could turn back time to the old days, when our mamas sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out" - Stressed out by twenty one piløts

I think dramatic pauses are one of the greatest things to ever grace the world - I mean your essentially holding the power but then all good things must be equally balanced with a bad thing.

AKA the Awkward silence.

I think when I blurted out I wanted to talk about sex with Mason made me the tragic victim of the awkward silence. "Marley... I don't know what to say" Mason began rubbing his neck and was beginning to turn abit pink. "Marls, come inside" I had just realised we had made our way to outside his door.

Once inside he sat me down and grabbed my hands and he looked serious but I noticed his eyes had darkened significantly. "Marley, after what happened... what if?" Of course once you told someone that you were once pregnant they would naturally be a bit hesitant to sleep with you.

"Mason, that one part of my life used to define me but now I realise it doesn't and it shouldn't, Jesse was apart of my past and you Mason -" I grabbed his face gently, making him face me and look at me. "Are apart of my future" .

He kissed me softly, somehow it began to escalate. I don't want to stop and neither did he "do you have-?" He nodded silently, kissing me again this time harder.

I have never been happier and for the first time in a very long time - I didn't feel sadness.


The sunlight woke me up , I could feel Masons arms around me, his chest falling. I turned around and kissed his nose softly "Mason, we need to get up" he grumbled but I noticed him smiling.  He sat up and stretched and grabbed his T-shirt and chucked it to me. "Is it a bit late to assume your my girlfriend now" I laughed at him and kissed him "no - but yes I will be your girlfriend Mason Shipton."

Happiness is a good thing Marley . I told this to myself a million times but maybe I never believed it until now.

"So.... Week nine" Mason broke the silence as I pulled on his t-shirt. Week nine, it felt surreal , it was almost over. "Mason? What's going to happen afterwards- will we?" I couldn't finish the sentence because I was a bit worried, the future was something I hadn't considered much since I joined Treble. "Marley, at the end of week 10 we will talk about it I promise" he kissed my forehead gently and walked into the bathroom the get dressed.


I grabbed my jeans from the floor and tucked in Masons shirt (of course it was the cliche white one) "wonderful now I don't look like a walk of shame stereotype"
"You don't " i turned around to see Mason who was smirking. "Oh? And how many one night stands have you had - actually don't answer that"
"Your not a one night stand, I don't  believe you ask your one night stands to be your girlfriend"
"Touché " I grabbed his hand and we both left the room ready to face the world.

Now that's a cliche .


Okay i know this chapter is really short but I think this story will come to a conclusion very soon.

And Marley and Mason got together for real but what does their future hold?

I don't even know

L xx

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