Chapter 21

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"I just wanna feel your body right next to mine/All night long, baby slow down the song"- Slow Down by Selena Gomez

Light streamed through the window and if it wasn't the warmth radiating off Mason next to me, I would have forgotten where I was. "Marls you gotta get up..." I felt Mason shake me lightly but I was so cosy... "MARLEY!!!" He yelled into my ear and I bolted up quick as a flash "what!?" I peeked at the clock across the room:


"SHIT! We are so late!" Mason grabbed his jacked and chucked me one too even though we were both still in our PJs we needed to go. "Wait Mason you need a shirt" noticing his still naked torso "oh right" he quickly pulled on a black v-neck shirt and I could have stared at him for eternity.

"Marley come on" he tugged on my sleeve and we both ran out of the room and sprinted down the hall. We were sprinting as fast as our legs would take us but something stopped us in our tracks. Jack kissing someone? Jack kissing a boy?

Mason looked a little bit shocked and we couldn't help but awkwardly stare until they stopped and Jack turned to see us. He turned white so fast I swear he looked like a ghost but I was more interested in the boy...


"Get in there mate" I slapped Masons chest hard and I watched him clutch his stomach but I didn't care as I watched Jack and Cole tare away from each other. "We can explain" Jack started but I couldn't help it "AWWW YOU GUYS" I ran up to Jack and hugged him - the cliche teenage girl in me couldn't contain herself. I felt Jack gently pry me off him and look at me seriously "please don't tell anyone" and I nodded and I saw Jack and Cole stare at Mason, faces now showing an expression of desperation. "Jack, I wouldn't tell a soul" Mason assured and it warmed my heart to see how much he cared about Jack and even Cole who we barely knew.

"Wait...why aren't you at rehearsal?" I asked them suddenly feeling panicked. "We finished and yes they noticed you were missing and they aren't impressed but expect you to catch up yourselves" Mason and I stood there and looked at each other "guess we are okay then?" Mason asked me "not really" but I didn't want to fight him. "Come on you two we will teach you" Cole offered as he and Jack both lead us to the Flo.

"What were you two doing anyway?" Jack asked smirking. "Nothing so back off" Mason replied sharply which stunned the three of us.

"Geez dude calm down" but Mason didn't and it warmed me inside a bit because of his protectiveness. We all stood in the Flo now feeling the awkwardness in the air because of the sudden accusations and innuendos but my mind was focused solely on Mason.

In that moment I only wanted him.


If you've ever tried learning choreography to a Bon Jovi song well I applaud you because it is hard. Learning to dance to 'This is our house' was excruciating and I think after about two hours Mason and I had it down pat. We eventually said goodbye to Cole and Jack when Mason turned to me "come on, I want to show you something" and he grabbed my hand and led me to one of the empty music rooms.

You see sharing a music space with another artist was a great honour and privilege because essentially when you enter another artists space you are I their domain - kind of like looking into their whole process of creation. "Mason what are we-?" But he held up his hand to silence me "I want to show you something" he led my over to the piano where I saw some sheet music still resting on piano decorated with scribbles and red pen marks.

Mason say at the piano and gestured for me to sit next to me. "I wrote this song awhile back...the band usually writes songs about partying, girls and booze but I want something better than that"
"What about the song you wrote for me?" I questioned remembering the beautiful song he wrote and used in the competition. "Well that spurred it all into gear but I want you to sing this with me" he gestured to the music and all I could do was nod. 

He played the opening keys to the song which were slow and tentative then he began: "Mama once told me that pretty girls aren't pretty on the inside and we have to look deeper...

Daddy once told me that love is untouchable and darlin I am feeling it all now. Feeling it all at full speed and at max now."

He sung a bit more with me adding some background until he gestured for me to sing with him in the chorus.

"I'll spend every penny I own to understand the type of love that the books write about, the movies show and they all sing about , I'll sell my soul to find my other half and I'll do anything in your behalf

I'll never hurt you and I'll shelter you from the storm - darling this is what I was born to do.

Born to do...

As I sing with him I realise this is what I was born to do and I'll be damned if I belong in anything else.



so I would just like to say thank you to the recent influx of followers and the fact this book has 200 reads and 22 votes. Although some might not call that a lot I am forever thankful xxx

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But mostly importantly enjoy

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