Chapter 13

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"But if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms and if you like having secret little rendezvous" - Perfect by One Direction

I had been ignoring him since yesterday and his stupid band. There were a lot of dirty looks exchanged, the slamming of keys on pianos, the breaking of guitar strings but most of all Mason's futile attempts to speak to me.

After our rehearsal for our group performance (we were singing Permanent December by Miley Cyrus) I  had gone into the dressing room to change out of my sweaty clothes when Tallulah stopped me in my path. "Well, well if it isn't the little loser of our bet? If you must know Mason and I are going out for drinks tonight and I intend on getting him to focus on me and only me, do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly" I replied with gritted teeth as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and walked off in triumph.

I couldn't fully understand why Mason and her bothered me so much because it's not like he liked me, sure he was handsome and sometimes my heart fluttered when I'm around him but he's not mine. He never will be.

I chose a stall to get changed in when I fell the door push open when I begin to close it, revealing a very desperate looking Mason. "MASON GET OUT!" I try to push him out of the cubicle but he doesn't budge. "No not until you listen to me." He grabs my shoulders firmly and holds me still. "I don't listen to thieves, especially ones who are going out for drinks with Tallulah Saxon." Each word dripped with detest but he ignored it. "I just want to apologise, please I am sorry I stole your song. I wont ever take your music ever again and I am so sorry, please Marley and with Tallulah I am doing it as a friendly gesture nothing more" his eyes were as pleasing as his words and I couldn't help it: "I don't forgive you yet but we can still be friends I suppose"

"Good enough for me! And one more thing..." He had a twinkle in his eyes one that seemed abit dangerous. "What?..." Without even saying a word he grabbed me around the waist and kissed me. First slowly then deepening with each passing second, although I was still mad at him, I didn't stop him because I was too focused on kissing him right back.

When we broke the kiss I couldn't help but ask, "what was that for?" I asked as he leant his forehead to mine. "Every minute I'm with Tallulah tonight I will be thinking of you Miss Marley Gate" giving me one last kiss as he left the dressing room stall leaving me stunned, sweaty and blissfully happy.


Later that night I was on the phone to Clarion I relayed to her every detail of what had transpired earlier that day. "oh my gosh Marley that is so exciting and I have seen Mason on the TV he is so hot" she added dreamily. "Oh for heavens sake Clarion" but I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling.

"By the way I have something to tell you... I got accepted into college!" I sat up straight away, "what really, where!?" I was so excited for her. "That's the thing...I got into Stanford... In California for my bachelor of Science " I stopped suddenly... California? "That's amazing Clarion you really deserve it and I am so happy for you and you'll visit me all the time, although I might join you to get away from Jesse and Iris" it would be a welcome change.

"I don't understand why your still friends with them! I mean they are terrible and after New Years-" I cute her off with a loud cough which she took as a sign to stop. "Anyway with Mason I think you should tell him you like him and I mean really like him because you deserve to be happy Marley...don't ever forget that." After we said our goodbyes I couldn't but repeat her words in my head.

You deserve to be happy...

Did I deserve to be happy? I didn't think I did because it was my own stupidity and blind trust that broke my happiness, was Clarion wrong? It took me until about 2am to decide that Clarion was right and deserved to be happy, whether it be with Mason or anyone.

I deserved to be happy.

I went through my duffel bag because I felt like I needed to look good for this revelation but I thought nothing looked good when holding it up against me, so against all better judgement I went in my pyjamas: a long blue sweatshirt, old shirt and of course my dorky Olaf socks.

I think Mason was room 302 according to our rooms list; just up the hall from me. I walked slowly feeling like every step I took my confidence was being both built and shattered at the same time because I swear I was less nervous in my SATS.

I approached the door and I was about to knock but then I heard it the heavy thumping of a sound that was ... Intimate to but it lightly but it was heavy and it was was now loud. I thought I had gotten the wrong room, maybe I was at someone else's door but then I heard the voice and the names that came with them...

"Oh Mason..."

If it didn't before it did then - it clicked. Mason Shipton was fucking Tallulah Saxon almost 6 hours after kissing me and telling me... I felt the tears burn my eyes and I suddenly couldn't breathe I slammed against the door of the opposite room in a broken , crumpled heap. A stance I knew too well in the past few years and I chocked back the tears despite the noises I could still hear a mere few metres away.

"Marley ?"

I looked up to see a very confused Brody Miller, standing at the threshold of the door I had just threw myself against (I didn't even feel it open) but realised how much explaining I needed to do to Masons very own best friend.

Oh dear ...


Wow Mason good one (not!)

I have added some more cast pictures and you may have noticed Nick Roux (Jesse), India De Beaufort (Clarion) and Meghan Tandy (Iris) all star together in Jane by design! - a brilliant show that got cancelled way before its time...


Love you all

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