Chapter 16

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"Wishing on a star that's just a satellite, Driving in a car with broken tail-lights"Satellite by All time low 

Week four was over and thankfully it was a non elimination week but it annoyed me that we worked so hard on our songs for nothing. However this week was going to be worse as now we were back to the routine of trying to fight for our place and me ignoring Mason.

He was trying harder than ever before even following me wherever I went and couldn't stand it. I had to lock myself up in the music room and write and practice then repeat.

It was getting old quickly.

Week 5 had just started and hear I was sitting in the music room at the piano no thoughts coming to me. "Knock knock" I looked up from my train of thought to see Cole one of the contestants I didn't really speak to but was friendly too. "Hey..." I started "sorry to bother you but we all required in the theatre apparently we have news" he didn't even give me two seconds to respond until he was out the door.

I gathered everything up and walked into the theatre where everyone was seated on the floor. I went over to sit until I caught Masons eye but I looked away quickly because I didn't even want to look at him or him to look at me because then my heart would tempt me to forgive him.

"Alright is everybody here?" Anna Patch called as she and the rest of our mentors stood in their usual regal stances. " we've decided almost four weeks away from home you should get a reward so on Friday the loved ones you've chosen will fly to New York, unless they live here then they can arrive regularly, and spend until Sunday night after the performance with you...but naturally one of you will be leaving with them" we all stood in shock at Anna's words we could see one of our family members or friends? "You'll have to submit your choice by tomorrow so we make arrangements - now we have a song to practice"


The next afternoon we had all submitted our choices and naturally I chose Clarion. I was so excited to see her and I couldn't wait to show her everything and to think she was coming in four days! I could have invited mum, dad, Jesse or Iris but I feel like the only person who had been there for me was Clarion and it always would be her.

That afternoon I had decided to make my way to Central Park- a 20 minute cab drive from the Flo. I wanted some peace and quiet and really I hadn't seen much of the city at all. I went out to flag down a cab when I felt a tap on my shoulder "Mason I swear to god-" I whipped around preparing for him to feel my wrath when I was met to a different face, familiar but I couldn't place it. "Miss Gate" the robotic voice... My driver from the airport... Jace! "Hello Jace, what's wrong... do you need something?" He looked rigid still but he kept his gaze on me "no but I noticed you were going out and I could take you, that is my job" I was shocked but it would save money on cab fare so I agreed.

Getting into the car we stayed silent for a few minutes but then he randomly blurted out "Allison and I are rooting for you, you know" I stood back shocked and I only assumed he meant Allison McKibben the head of admin, did they hang out together? "And what you did about that Emeralds boy was very brave and your going to go the distance Miss, no one can tell you other wise" I was stunned that his monotone voice could formulate such kind words but it was touching all the same. We stayed in silence until Central Park as I listened to music letting it all go.


Central Park. It was beautiful, I had never seen such a park. I stuck my hands into my short pockets and stood in awe for a moment, taking it all in. Jace told me he would go wondering around and we could head back in two hours which was fair. I situated myself on a free park bench which over looked a pond with dick swimming contently on the surface. I went to chose a song but nothing caught my eye. "For heavens sake this is ridiculous" I decided to write instead and after a few minutes I cried in frustration " what the hell rhymes with consent!?"
"Descent, iridescent, absent, luminescent" I looked up to see a girl looking over me "oh thank you..."
"My names Ella and your Marley right? From Treble" I nodded she seemed really nice and she was a wordsmith too. "You can sit if you like" I gestured to the space next to me and she happily took it. "What brings you here?" She asked me, briefly I took her in; her  brown hair cut in a shoulder length style, pale skin and bright green eyes which reminded me of Mason... Everything did.

"Oh well I needed to write" I gestured down to my song book which was now covered in lyrics and random lines I had heard or thought out, like a comfortable mismatch. "Ahh yes but your stuck?" I nodded "my brother does that when he is stuck writing he just wanders around for ages and sometimes only has like another line figured out" she chuckled, I wonder if her brother was nice? "He lives in a different neighbourhood now but I expect he still does the same thing" I listened to her now growing curious. "What about you?"
"I'm on a study break, I study Politics at Columbia and that gets heavy so I needed a stroll- anyway I'll leave you too it but I hope we'll see each other soon" before giving me anything else she waved and walked off leaving me still stuck but now a bit frustrated because I was still exactly where I was before...


Friday. It was here! I was so excited I had practically kept out of bed. I picked out the nicest outfit I had brought with me (dark skinny jeans and a light brown top with black piping) and had been singing the never ever at the top of my lungs all morning.

10 am it's time!

I sprinted down the corridor not even stoping when Ruth called out, I couldn't wait! Entering the Flo almost all of us were there anxiously waiting for them all to arrive. We waited 10 minutes in total silence, none of us wanted to break form until they came and then they began to stream in.

One by one everyone began to run to their family or friend and I kept checking but I couldn't see Clarion. "Looking for me?" I turned and saw her "CLARION!" I practically jumped on her "your here! Oh my god I am so excited, I've missed you" I didn't let go until Clarion peeled me off "wow someone's disappointed" I couldn't help but laugh, five weeks had been a long time. "I craned my neck to see who Mason brought and then I saw someone familiar...



And done? I know it was a bit of a filled and I am so proud of this story but I will edit it again when I am done...

I would recommend listening to the never ever they are awesome! Going to listen to them now... Again!


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