Chapter Seven; Back Pain

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Justin's POV

"What is all this?" Jason asked, confused as I sat down on the blanket.

"Its a picnic, silly." I grinned, patting beside me, "I hired the park out so its just us two... and a bunch of royal guards but they wont bother us."

Jason sighed, slowly sitting down.

It took us twenty minutes to get here and he wasnt very talkative... I think he still was mad about the whole kissing thing.

I wanted to make it up to him, I felt horrible about it.

Jason sat down slowly, wincing a bit.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned.

He looked to be in pain today. His left cheek had a red hand print on it; it made me worried that he had been slapped. Who could hurt such a good person?

Jason was nice; sassy, but nice.

"Its just my back. I've been hunched over all day scrubbing floors." Jason murmured, shaking his head, "Its nothing to be concerned about... so anyway, what are we meant to be doing here?"

I leant over and grabbed the picnic basket, pulling out some food.

There were salad rolls in there, as well as some strawberries and chocolate fondue.

"Is this some weird apology date?" Jason asked, confused, his legs spreading out some as he leant back on his hands.

"Why yes, a very wonderful date that'll make you happy." I grinned, handing him a roll.

"Is this lunch?" Jason hummed, biting into it.

"Yup. I love salad rolls." I bit into my own, moaning at the taste.

Jason and I ate quietly, occassinally making eye contact.

It felt awkward and quiet; I didnt like feeling that way.

I sat up some more, facing Jason better, "Tell me about yourself?"

"Huh?" Jason coughed a bit, swallowing his food, "What do you mean?"

"Well, all I know about you is your name, that your a servant, and I stole your first kiss." I shrugged, "I obviously havent a clue about your interests, family, or what you do for fun?"

Jason snorted, "I havent got time to have fun or indulge in my interests."

"Do servants not have time off?" I frowned, "I thought there was a rule that one day a week a servant has time to themselves... my father taught me about these rules."

If he isn't given time off, the Tomlinson's could face being charged. Its illegal to force people into hard labour without giving them a break.

Jason half smiled, "Why do you care whether I get time off or not? You're a Prince. You can do whatever you want? Commoners and servants shouldnt worry you."

"I am a Prince," I nodded, ripping some of the roll and popping it into my mouth, "And as a Prince it's my responsibility to care about the people of my country."

"Technically Cornucopia isn't a country," Jason corrected me, "It is a state. Your family only rule this state."

"Its a large piece of land with nearly two million people living here." I shrugged, "I want my people to be happy."

"Lovely. You actually sound caring." Jason teased.

I chuckled, "Wow, thanks."

"Why don't you tell me about you instead?" Jason hummed, "I'm very interested in wanting to know what you do in your vast amount of free time..."

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