Door To Door

221 9 0

Author :  defend

Status :  Completed

Category :  Chick Lit, Short Story, Young Adult

Summary :

Hudson Ellis is good at his job

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Hudson Ellis is good at his job.Somehow, he manages not to annoy people when he knocks at their doors and asks them to contribute to the charity he works for - instead, he gets them to sign up for sponsoring programmes and fish whatever spare change they have out of their pockets. Even the infamously tough residents of New York City are falling victim to Hudson's easy-going ways and wide smile; that is, until one woman renders him speechless with sarcastic refusals and slams her door in his face.Perhaps Hudson would be able to forget her - if it wasn't for the fact that she lives on the same floor of the next apartment over, and they both have floor-to-ceiling windows that allow for a rather generous view into each other's flats.

Review : 

It's a good book, I really loved it. Short and sweet, it's an entertaining read. It's also different from the stories we come across daily, which makes it better to read.

Rating :  8/10

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