The Number Series

203 4 2

Author : KateeSmurfette

Status : Series is incomplete but book one and two are up completely

Category : Action, Teen Fiction

Summary :


Lunch went by pretty quickly, and we were back to classes soon enough

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Lunch went by pretty quickly, and we were back to classes soon enough. I'd forgotten to get a book from my locker, so I quickly went to get it. I was leaning on the locker next to mine as I quickly scanned my schedule on my locker door, when warm air fanned the side of my face.


Being the excellent human being I am, I jumped out of fright, flinging the heavy calculus textbook in my hand backwards. I heard a grunt and turned to find the person behind me now hunched over as they held onto a part of their face.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry!" I panicked.

And then he looked up.

The first thing I noticed was his short, dark hair. It looked so smooth, and I almost reached out to play with it. My eyes trailed down to his strong jaw line, down to his broad shoulders. I didn't even realize that I was biting my lip as I further inspected the Adonis before me. His arm flexed, bringing my attention to the amber eye he was now covering.

It was him.


The most popular and dangerous guy in school.

And I'd managed to injure him with my calculus textbook.

I'm dead.


"Xander, you can't sit here and tell us that this doesn't look the least bit suspicious to you," Mordecai told me

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"Xander, you can't sit here and tell us that this doesn't look the least bit suspicious to you," Mordecai told me.

"I'm pretty sure I know my own girlfriend, and I highly doubt she would shoot herself just to prove a point, or whatever the fuck you think she did it for," I replied.

"This memory thing she has going on doesn't sit well with me. It's shady if we're being honest," Nadia commented.

"You're just mad that Xander isn't interested in you anymore," Aziel told her. I inwardly laughed at the look on her face.

"Ok, so maybe we need to look at this from a non biased view. She showed up shot, she can't remember anything, and her recent activities are questionable. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's guilty of all these crimes," Nigel pointed out.

"Are we all forgetting the glorified fact that Xander taught her how to fight, and it only took her a day to learn everything? The girl is dangerous and you're all being blind!" Nadia said in frustration.

I shrugged. "She's a fast learner. I don't get what you're so worked up about."

"What is it about this girl that makes everyone doubt that she could possibly be a murderer?" she asked.

"Have you even met her? Because you seriously sound bitter more than anything," Malachi told her.

"I don't need to meet her. I know enough," she snapped.

I got off of the table I was leaning on. "Look Nadia, you're honestly picking at straws, and it's clear that you don't like Noelle much, but I would highly suggest you stop accusing her of all this shit because she's innocent and you're starting to piss me off."

"She's guilty and I'll prove it!" she said determinedly.

I was about to say something when the door to the operations room flung open, revealing Margaux. "Alright, listen up! You have a new mission."

"Finally! What is it?" Aziel asked.

She smirked slowly. "It's simple really. Forget everything you thought you knew about Noelle Solano."

Fuck my life!

Review :

This is gonna be a long review.

In the first book, the first chapter starts off pretty well, with her hating her old school and suddenly getting an opportunity to shift and stuff. But from the second chapter, this book is super silly. First off, her stpemom and step brother are anxiously waiting for her to come and they absolutely adore her. Second, in school, the girl who hangs out with the very infamous bad boys comes to talk to her and convince her to not feel scared and her brother totally let's that happen. Third, suddenly she's super best friends with these bad boys and they have nicknames for each other and stuff. Just in case you forgot, it's been a day of school. Then, second day of school she bunks with the bad boy who randomly kidnaps her from her house at 6:30 in the morning, and she goes with him. To top it all off, he says she's stubborn. No, if she were stubborn, she wouldn't even have gone with him in the first place.

Basically, she's condensed almost 50 chapters (maybe more) into 23, and I found that sloppy. If this book were a little more well planned out and written, the series would have been perfect. This book completely focusses on her life and getting revenge on the people in her old school, going on dates and doing the regular stuff when all of a sudden, she gets kidnapped, leading to the next book which is only action.

The second book is plain confusing. There are so many names being thrown around which haven't been introduced earlier and everything is so overwhelming, it's hard to keep track. There is a lot of action, and I liked that it wasnt just romance, and everything is explained only for more questions to arise.

But despite all the negative comments I've written, I really did like this book. Things should just have been written a bit better, with everything spaced out properly. The second book isn't rushed, but it has a lot going on. I like the fact that the second book is all in Six's pov but sometimes, it was hard to remember that it wasn't her talking but him.

Like I said earlier, there are a lot of questions all of us have and I really hope that in the next book, no question remains unanswered.

Rating : 8/10

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