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Author :  JuneValentine

Status : Completed

Category : Fantasy (Werewolf)

Summary :

❝All wolves are the same

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❝All wolves are the same. Some are just closer to being a real monster, and some are just hiding in sheep skin.❞

Lennox Armstrong is the twenty-six year old Alpha who controls one of the biggest packs in the Northern hemisphere. The one difference between him and every other werewolf?

He's less human and more wolf.

With his pack house located at the other side of a college campus, it's inevitable that he meets Schuyler Bradshaw: a quirky nineteen year-old, past-help, obsessed-with-anything-and-everything-to-do-with-wolves girl who happens to be on a date with his Casanova-of-a-best-friend.

Overcome by the drive to fulfill the inevitability of mating with the human girl or drive his more primal thoughts back down- betrayal, murder and something to dig your teeth in unfolds itself as Lennox is forced to learn if he's truly a monster that's just hiding in sheep's skin.

Review :

There many things about this that I liked. One, that here, mates aren't of opposite gender always. I mean, that's one thing every werewolf book I read missed, the fact that mates can be of the same gender too. So that point is emphasised in this book. Second, this community has female alphas. Not female Lunas, but Alphas of packs are female. That's a very good thing. So this book reflects girl power and LGBT rights, which I think is amazing. Also, the summary of this book is pretty intriguing. It invited me in.

On the flip side, there were a few things I didn't quite like. First off, the main guy is supposed to be cruel and you know generally antisocial, but the girl (the protagonist) seems to  find him flawless. I mean, all of them do, and she just accepts him for who he is, which reflects on either her blind trust in people or the wonders of a mate bond. Her seeing the real him and yet finding him amazing would have been great. Another thing is that throughout the book she is portrayed to be a strong character, but in the end, she becomes really, desperate and begs him to stay. I didn't like that. Yes, she asks him to stay because after witnessing so many horrors, a reassurance that it wasn't all in vain is exactly what she needs, but when he clearly overlooks her condition and wants to leave, she shouldn't have begged him to stay. She should have held her ground.

Summing it up, this book us a pretty interesting read; it has a basic storyline which is easy to follow. There's also a sequel but I'm not that interested in reading it.

Rating : 6/10

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