The Day I Died

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Author :  NeonLights1404

Status : Completed

Category : Teen Fiction

Summary :

2014 WATTY AWARD WINNER(Completed 18/10/14; was written a while ago and the author apologizes for the ridiculousness of the plot, plot holes and terrible grammar mistakes that she didn't bother to fix

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2014 WATTY AWARD WINNER(Completed 18/10/14; was written a while ago and the author apologizes for the ridiculousness of the plot, plot holes and terrible grammar mistakes that she didn't bother to fix.)

Ever plummet at 200km an hour and face plant the ground?

Well let me tell you something, it's way worst than it sounds.

You're probably wondering how I would know in the first place and if you're not, well too bad, I'm telling you anyways. You see, I have a bucket list, filled with exactly 100 things I wanted to do. Thanks to number 81 and a little malfunction that occurred, I maybe, sort of, kind of....died.

Lucky enough, I got a chance to redeem myself, a chance to earn a second life and all I had to do was finish the rest of the list. Sounds easy, right? Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. Why? Well, I have deadline.

1 year.

20 things.

And all of this madness started yesterday, on the day I died.

Review :

It's a very fun in it'll make you feel nice.

It has bad writing and like a lot of holes in the plot but since the summary warns us of this before hand, I kind of knew what I was getting into so its fine.

Its a very creative concept, I'll give it that.

Rating : 6/10

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