Fraternizing with the Enemy

234 11 1

Author : hyrule

Status : Completed

Category : Teen Fiction, Humor

Summary :

(alternatively called: slow burn, second-hand embarrassment, and shenanigans)

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(alternatively called: slow burn, second-hand embarrassment, and shenanigans)

A girl made up of short fuses, clumsy feet and copious amounts of sarcasm has to team up with her irritatingly obnoxious neighbour in the name of love (also known as raging teenage hormones). Because in the grand scheme of things, what's a little deal with the devil?

(Spoiler Alert: absolute chaos.)

Review :

I freaking loved this book. It's amazing!!

It's stomach aching hilarious and downright ridiculous - it'll keep that smile on your face almost all the time.

The main characters Stella and Reece are absolutely adorable. I think they compliment each other perfectly.

Stella's insults are so graphic and creative it gets me dripping with laughter every single time.

I honest to God cannot believe this is the author's first attempt at writing a book because I think this book surpasses awesomeness.

Please please please go check it out, you will not regret it.

It has really good writing (the author has a vocab I envy) and its built realistically too, which gets me in the heart (you know I'm a sucker for real shit).

Other than that, this is certified to make you laugh and make you feel better instantly. Also, I thought the story made me fall in love with Reece and Stella effortlessly (obviously, Stella kept making stupid mistakes I kept regretting but still) and I'm sure any other person will too.

Anyway, final call - must read teen fiction/humor book on Wattpad.

Rating : 10/10

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