It All Started With An Apple

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Author : taintedrain

Status : Completed

Category : Teen Fiction, Romance, Humor

Summary :

Brianne is the opposite of her best friend, Kyla

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Brianne is the opposite of her best friend, Kyla. Kyla is open-minded; Brianne is closed off, judgmental. Kyla is a hopeless romantic. Brianne? Not so much. So when Kyla shoves an apple into her face telling her to throw it across the cafeteria so she can find her future love, Brianne is anything but interested. And yet she throws the apple anyway. Who does the apple hit? Dannon Barone, the most popular boy in school. Though he's seemingly sweet and all-smiles, Brianne dislikes him. She thinks he's a fake, a fraud, someone who is just charming the crowds in order to gain popularity. But Brianne is about to learn that stereotypes are not true, and that she's been too quick to judge those around her.

Brianne Nichols' life is about to change forever. And what does she have to thank for it? A bruised piece of fruit.

Who would have known that a stupid apple could be right?

Review :

I loved it.

It's equal parts funny and sad and that's a beautiful combination and I dont know how she obtained it. Kudos, dear author.

It deals with serious issues like cancer and death but it has a happy ending and for that I'm grateful. It's a really recommended read, even though the chapters are really long, and I'm sure you won't regret it!

Also, the main character is the cutest thing ever (Dannon).

Rating : 10/10

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